Chapter 20

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Rhodes Island is offering to send some forces to planet Earth, the offer is nice. But it's up to the American Congress to accept. We are also beginning the unit swap out for most conventional forces, they are tired and some want to go home for a bit. ]
[ - [ ] New Roanoke Command Center - ]

[ The World Health Organization has declared guided travel between Terra and Earth to be safe, so long as safety guidelines are abided and that nobody does anything violent. ]
[ - [ + ] AP News Network- ]

[ I am alright, I am currently in a meeting with President Elena. She and her congress watched the whole fiasco in New York unfold on live television. She wants to help, but how? I've been thinking allowing more Columbian PMCs over, and some others, but we still need forces here to combat the PLA. The marines will keep the Columbian Homeland afloat while we plan for an effective counterattacks ]
[ - [ ] President Hawthorne - ]

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"Debt collector"

"This is FOX news network reporting at the congressional halls of the United States," a news reporter stood before a camera and several soldiers guarding 2 large lottery machines and screens. "Just a few minutes ago, the U.S. Congress has ratified the activation of the Selective Service lottery, near unanimous support across the board aside from the Senators and representatives in Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and New Hampshire."

"Hey! All News should come face the lottery containers at this time! The 195 days are about to be chosen!" Already, a ball that read 36 rested on a little cup like thing. A person manning a computer looked over at it, typed something and a big 2036 was soon put up on the board.

The reporter looks over, "Looks like the numbers are starting to be chosen. The section is 2036, which means if you are turning 20 this year, you are one step away from being selected. It's starting!" One of the Selective Service Officials began to roll off the numbers, each ball being set down, with the soldier on a keyboard looking at each one carefully, and typing them up for a big digital display.

The reporters zoomed in, and anxious Americans watched, praying that their number doesn't, or does, come up.

May 20, March 14, February 23, December 9th, it goes on and on and on.

Until 195 days are chosen. 

And all were double checked to be the correct ones from the balls.

Once that was completed, 3 officials stood and started faxing information and sending out text messages. The news reporter looks back at the camera, "And there we have it folks, the Selective Service Draft has called the people of 2036 up to the base, for the security of the country, and for the security of Planet Earth."

He looks at the numbers again, "It is unknown if this amount will be enough, but the Congress will vote again if they need to call upon another number of names, from another year, to be perfectly fair."

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