Epilogue V - A Holy Union

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1 week later

"Wow Lappland, this... actually looks great!" Exusiai looked herself in a mirror and she was amazed at what the Siracusan picked out. Ever since she had taken the treatment and was going through therapy, her behavior has improved rather drastically.

And she was chosen by her AND Texas surprisingly, to wear this dress the 2 have picked out for her.

She had a white flower in her hair, just below where the glow in her hair would meet the Halo. The veil was added on by Sora. A beautiful religious-type pendent was around her neck. The dress proper showed a little bit of her upper, but still being relatively conservative, even with the see through bits.

The rest, beyond that, was a traditional Wedding dress, and there was a Bouquet in her hands, filled with roses and various flowers picked by Lana. She was going to be the flower girl anyways, so she had the honor of being able to gather them.

From around where the wedding is happening of course.

They were in the deserts of California, which may seem counterintuitive and bad as a setting.

But Ramirez had chosen their wedding to happen just as the Superbloom began, and the place was alight in color and floral beauty. There was a church up here, which was restored and made pristine a few days prior to the wedding.

Rhodes Island and the others were happy about it.

Kal'tsit walked by the room, Exusiai turning and seeing the Lynx woman exit. The door was briefly open and the chatter was still lively as ever. The familiar tones of Emperor, of some operators, and of Carmen who was chatting up a storm with some Elite Operators, sounding like Blaze with Dunn again.

"Wonder where she's going..." Sora uttered, before going in front of the Sankta. She took a good look at her, up and down, but ultimately decided that she didn't need any, other than a few touching up in some spots that didn't look right.

"Thank you all for this," Exusiai expressed, looking at everybody in the room. The 2 Lupos, Sora, Mostima, Orchid, Roberta... many people from Rhodes Island who know fashion and who know - or claim to know - love.

Lana had left the room a few moments ago, the basket in her hand. Exusiai smiles as she gets ready. The crowd began to go quiet, and everybody in the room began to exit. They went to the pews, and saw Ramirez standing up there with 2 priests.

A Lateran priest and a priest of the Catholic Church.

The uniqueness of this marriage had requested for the 2 to do their sides of the ritual. 

Before Exusiai and Lana could begin heading down the aisle, Kal'tsit arrived and sat with the Doctor, Physia, Rosmontis, and with Amiya, the latter of the 4 dressed nicely despite the fact that she had a cute little crown on her head.

"Where have you been?" questioned the Doctor, Kal'tsit looking visibly disturbed, before regaining her composure.

"Another time..." the man nodded, before turning his attention as Lana began to run down the aisle, letting petals fly forward. 

Ramirez smiled, standing at the altar, and waiting. He was in a nice suit that his parents and Carmen picked out.

Approved and even given praise by Foley and Dunn, who said that it made him look ready for the big day. 

The laughter of Lana made him feel lighter than air. His adoptive daughter sending petals out, was honestly a cute sight that the audience in the pews enjoyed. She came up to him, hugging him momentarily, before going to her spot, giggling and so happy.

Here she comes... and the piano began to play the notes of the song that had unified humans for as long as it existed. Here comes the bride...

And god above, does she look beautiful. 

The Angel smiled at him, the veil on her head covering her, but not defending her from the massive glow that her Halo was letting forward a glow that allowed her outline to be seen through the fabric.

And on her left hand was her ring, which happily glowed under the Halo.

Ramirez couldn't stop himself from smiling like an idiot, as she finally got to the alter and he was given the honor to part the fabrics, and allow her face to jovially look up at him. The Lateran priest and Catholic priest began to say the required lines in each other's cultures.

They took turns, allowing one to say a line before letting the other continue with what they were saying.

Until the magic question came, and they turned to face Ramirez, "Do you, James Ramirez, wish to join Lemuel 'Exusiai' in holy matrimony?" he smiled and nodded, the 2 stepping towards each other.

"I do," the Lateran priest then turned to the Sankta, smiling as he asked the questioned to her, "Do you, Lemuel 'Exusiai' accept to join James Ramirez in holy matrimony, for now and forever?"

She smiled once more, the 2 feeling warmer as the Priests looked at each other, did the sign of their respective crosses, and declared, "You may now kiss the bride!" 

And that is when the 2 went forward and passionately began to kiss, to the cheers of the pews, to the operators, and the whooping of the Rangers. Exusiai and Ramirez pulled away, looking at each other warmly into the eyes.

Lana went to hug her 2 parents, causing them to accept her into her arms.

"Congratulations," Carmen cheered, with Dunn and Foley in the back laughing and clapping. 

The girls of Penguin logistics cheered the 2 on.

And the family of Ramirez and Exusiai - admittedly just Lemuen and Mostima that were here - were so joyous and happy for them, that this has successfully went through.

The flowers around the church shined their beauty, as the bell began to ring their holy union to the heavens.

Happiness was in the air. Ramirez and Exusiai now thinking about what their family will be like now, as the church began to celebrate this historic and beautiful moment.

And that is something that will never be interrupted.

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