
601 18 15

Written by, and for, Legend_Of_Frog

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"Maybe things will change now, right?"

These words came from Kalt'sit, who was now wondering if Terra's infinite cycle had finally come to an end. The view of the long California desert, now adorned in long-dormant flowers. Life arrived in a previously dead territory.

She decided to escape the heat of that damn marriage for a bit. She honestly has never been one to integrate well on these types of occasions. Some air would do her good, even if for a few minutes.

She let the wind take her hair, fan her clothes and kiss her skin. It was soft, even in that place, it was sweet and soft.

This feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time, this certain Feeling...


She began to walk through the valley, observing the flowers, formerly Alien, from Earth. She smelled the aroma and let herself be carried away by the tranquility. Yes, that was the sign that, in thousands of years, she never thought would come.

Everything has changed.

At least for a moment...

Kaltsit was caught off guard by a sudden change in the weather. The previously clear sky became gloomy, dark. All life soon hid in the shadows as she realized that the flowers were slowly drying up. Including the ones in her hands.

She let out a sigh.

It was too good to be real...

"I had wondered when you would finally show your face again" Kal'tsit said without looking back. A living shadow swallows everything behind it. Red eyes and tentacles come out of it. 

Black snow fell from the sky, and when it touched the ground, purple flowers, exuding darkness, bloomed like a disease.

Things have changed, did you really think I would be left out?

A female voice came from that darkness and from there, a woman in old clothes came out, she had a pale but very young appearance, she had feline features but her tail was that of a Sarkaz. It was like a true chimera. Kaltsit turned around and just looked with contempt, as if she had already seen more of that woman than she wanted to.

"What do you want? And how in the world had you managed to cross the Sanskrit Barrier in Nunavut" Kalt'sit wondered, the woman just laughed in mock. 

"That useless trash you call a Seal? Oh my, Leithania and Sami are still a long way to reach my magic, that itself is not a Seal," She retorted, kneeling and grabbing one of those flowers. She smelled it and soon let out a pure and genuine smile. 

"This is so much better" She finished, crushing the flower with her hands, in which they were reduced to a black and red smoke that soon dissipated. Her gaze was no longer serene, but threatening.

"The time has come," She said and Kaltsit only kept herself neutral. 

"I know, I just wanted to be wrong once in my life" She answered, approaching the woman little by little. 

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