Chapter 36

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Metal Team is finally going to arrive at Rhodes Island, once that is done we can begin covert operations into Victory to find out where they got those weapons from and how exactly it happened. ]


[ - [ ] President Hawthorne - ]

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Run on home

For Dutley, this was an odd job to take.

Going westward into Sargon from an entry point on the southern side. A place he was very familiar of due to some old contracts that he had a while ago. His weapons were holstered, but he kept his stance at the ready. The dusty wind blew the fabrics of his clothing.

The sun casted shadows alongside the various shapes and arcs that were present n the region.

He was going along the dangerous cliff face of this area, keeping his movement tight and light.

Behind him, he can hear the shuffling of other people. Turning his head a bit, he laid eyes on a squad. 9 Americans and 6 Columbians, each of them armed with lighter and suppressed versions of the weapons they normally had. He kept to his blade and his experience after fighting some of the nightmares which haunted Sargon's barren wastes.

"How far out are we from the plateau?' Questioned the American squad leader behind Dutley. In her hands was the regular rifle that the U.S. has been issuing to their forces for a couple decades now. Dutley turned to her and held up his hand.

"We're about 10 minutes away from the spot you need to go," he turns back forward, "So we need to keep moving." The group continued along the cliff face.

Dutley noticed that the Columbians in this group was not exactly having a good day looking down at the large fall from their current location and to the bottom. It was a rather terrifying drop and it caused them to be afraid of stepping too close to the edge.

The Americans didn't have that same reservation, but still it was not a fun experience looking down and seeing the horrible way they can go. The American that was behind all of the Columbians sighed and stated, "Come on guys, keep it together."

Dutley sighed. The Americans were being a little rough on the Columbians here but from what he heard, that was perfectly understandable. He heard that he was working alongside something called a "Special Operations unit" and those Columbians are going to be apart of Columbia's new Special Forces units.

The government in the nation wanted to have some of their soldiers work alongside their American counterparts just so they can have a trial by fire in what exactly these Special Forces are going to be dealing with.

Only half of the group was willing to trudge on, partly because the Chinese have invaded their home and they wanted to get that revenge badly.

They began to see a little bit of a pathway which leads up into the destination. Completion of this mission is critical for the success for Operation Desert Storm II. The node they were attacking was a PLA Red-Guard ran logistics base, where supplies to a lot of firepower - heavy armor divisions - along the north and east is regulated and handled.

"Almost there," Dutley began, before suddenly producing his blade, and causing the American behind him to raise her rifle. The others began to stop, wondering why they aren't continuing any further.

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