Chapter 26

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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[ Speak with the U.S. they might have some task forces that could definitely help with the whole situation that is occurring in County Hillock. ]
[ - [ ] Prime Minister of the U.K. - ]

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"How you won your medals"

Ringing, the ringing of the ears was a hellish thing to experience.

The APS system attached to the vehicle saved it from the worst of it, however the peppering of arrows outside didn't make the thing any more inviting to be in.

Nor would the sudden hammering of bullets against the vehicle's walls and windows be any more of a welcome party.

This was an urban hell that forced the soldiers to stay inside, fearing for their lives as bullet after bullet and arrow after arrow impacted the British vehicle. The driver had their head back, and they looked like they were out cold.

"Ah shit-!" The co-driver looked around and at their passengers, "We're completely fucking surrounded-!" Another impact, this time from some heavy weapon, rocked the vehicle so hard and caused a few of the APS launchers to break. Some of the passengers, a few of the soldiers, had the back of their heads bleeding, signaling how hard they got hit.

They began to try and free their fallen comrades from their seats, staying hyper alert at all the sounds and all of the danger that lurked from the roofs.

"Get some reinforcements down here-!"

"Out of the Ocelot-!" the gunner screamed, slamming on a button that slung a small screen of smoke grenades to cover the vehicle. The smoke cloud settled in, and the enemies stopped launching attacks at them.

This was a window given to them, and like hell they were going to give it up.

Quickly getting up, the soldiers and various personnel in that Ocelot rushed out and quickly moving to find cover away from the LPPV and their weapons up, ready just in case the enemy got the opportunity to shoot again.

"Out out out out-!" The Sergeant screamed, the gunner flipping the automated mode for the RWS and letting the machine gun fly. Around them, Dublinn's forces were waiting for the smoke to clear.

These were the folks that orchestrated this attack, the squad only had a few intelligence meetings on what these people were, but they only expected that these people only had some crossbows and old equipment.

However, when that RPG flew and the APS systems activated, things escalated. But how they got ahold of Earthling Anti-Tank weapons was something that alarmed them.

Similarly with how they got ahold of Western Firearms.

"It's fucking Northern Ireland all over again!" A soldier complained to the sergeant. The thunder of rifles sparked up again, and the flying of crossbows followed. The LPPV was all but abandoned now, with supplies still inside.

"Sir?!" A rifleman questioned, looking at the sergeant, "What the hell are we going to do?!"

"Quiet-!" The man responded, picking up his communicator, "Main, main base! This is Unit 3 to County Hillock," he waited a moment, patiently for somebody to pick up on the other end. There was a faint whoosh, another rocket flew towards the LPPV and the APS system activated once more. The RWS was still firing, but the APS system indirectly cleared up the smoke.

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