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The festive atmosphere which coloured the air, thoroughly washing over one's ears, sight and more, was a scene that did not fit Noah Bellamy.

He much preferred the soothing comfort of quieter spaces, such as the library he frequented or the small corners where he could escape from all sounds. Although it wasn't as if social situations would kill him, he simply didn't often choose to attend them.

Even if he became lonely, he would find comfort in knowing there was nobody to scrutinize or judge him. No part of himself he needed to disguise when the sole presence belonged to himself.

However, sitting by a flight of cobblestone stairs in a dark alleyway of the town, watching a certain person overstuffed their face with boxes upon boxes of food, he fell silent.

Niklas had been dragged away by some other friends earlier, promising his swift return, but Noah wasn't one to wait. He also didn't need Niklas to watch over him like a lonely child that would get lost. In fact, the dragon considered going back to the Academy, before slinking off to a dark area to read his book.

And then, he saw a certain disguised fool, scurrying from stall to stall. Suddenly, the words on the page were less interesting. Then, after joining up with Kaden, the thoughts of returning completely evaporated.

Flipping open the book, words illuminated perfectly by the luminescent moonlight that flitted over the pages, he started to read.

Occasionally, he would glance at Kaden who had adjusted to eating slower after being curtly reminded by the dragon's low and warning voice, and in turn, trying more of the collection that Noah had bought him.

Every time he did, Kaden would blink with surprise and smile a smile so innocent that it left Noah speechless.

"I won't give you any food, even if you ask." proclaimed Kaden childishly, though his manner of eating was still surprisingly polite. It was a textbook example of manners, taught by words and not a teacher. There was a subtle difference between the two.

Noah snorted. "I'm not interested in those foods."

"I thought you'd appreciate food more, Bellamy. I'm rather disappointed."


Excuse me, didn't you just say you wouldn't share any food?

Noah shook his head with resignation at Kaden's immaturity. However, the latter had already turned away to continue picking and nibbling at different items.

His face was starting to pale from overeating, looking a little sick from the amount consumed. Noah narrowed his eyes, sighing softly.

"If you're full, stop eating."

Kaden looked a little reluctant. "I'm not full yet."

"Ridiculous. I don't care how much you want to eat, but if you're looking ill to the stomach, you should stop."


The dragon stared, now more out of stubbornness and frustration at being disobeyed, and placed his book down. He stretched out a hand.

And Kaden leaped to his feet.

"...what are you doing?"

"I could ask the same."

Noah had no intention of participating in a game of chase, and instead stared ahead with a frightening calm, his imposing disposition radiating over his body.

In all honestly, Kaden was aware that his stomach felt full and it would be foolish to keep eating away, like a spoiled child who didn't know his limits. But who was to say when he'd be able to try these foods again?

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