123 | territory; echoes of azure reverie

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Niklas' dispirited demure paled further when a white letter was deposited into his open hands. The envelope had already been crudely torn, and an unamused Wisteria regarded him coldly.

"You won't sit here quietly, will you?"

Niklas' azure eyes scanned the contents and he smiled helplessly. He resembled a sick patient on their deathbed, with hollowed cheeks, and a weak smile.

The life draining, or whatever the elder had done, did not come easy.

It was in his best interest to rest, Wisteria knew from his knowledge of dragons. The elders' secrets were buried deep within their lands, but even a young dragon would know as much.

A human who was inflicted with ancient magic was a risky and experimental case. Niklas' situation could deteriorate at any moment.

Wisteria scowled internally, expression dark in the bone-scattered cave.

His brother, severely injured, this fool, a depleted life, and the other pink-haired fool, rapidly dying.

The young teenager they brought was the only sane one—he excluded the crazed blonde woman who ran around chasing rabbits in the forest.

And now, the cherry on top, their companion held hostage.

"You said so yourself, that the human prince would not harm that woman. That is why you allowed her to enter alone."

"I did say that." Niklas folded the paper, taking a deep breath. "I don't know why, but it seems he's determined to infiltrate these lands of yours."

"We would not fall to a human army. What will you do?"

"I'm helpless. I'm usually alright at weaseling my way into a third option, but there are only two."

To allow Reed to find them and save Nicola, or to abandon her.

It was true that he would likely not harm her. Niklas knew that best. The pair that almost wedded before he fabulously crashed it.

He'd destroyed half the castle and the venue, stalling the carriages rolling on their way and luring Nicola into finding the truth of Kaden's identity.

But what of the one percent chance that harm came her way?

Reed was meticulous. If they refused to reveal their location, he might not harm her, but he could disappear with her by his side.

He'd done a good job of disappearing in the past, rebuilding his reputation, and gathering allies from the shadows.

Most likely, Niklas concluded, Reed had prepared a grand finale in these lands.

The report told of a sizable gathering of loyal soldiers Reed had gathered. There was something he wanted in these lands, and he was willing to risk everything.

If it was something Niklas could give, he would've given it.

He didn't want bloodshed and violence. He didn't want schemes and conflict. It was all tiring, and really, he just wanted to drag Kaden back to meet his father.

The Duke who insisted on protecting that child despite Niklas' desire for revenge.

They'd fought before. Why would he allow his mother's killer to roam free? But the Duke had shaken his head in the quiet way he did, eyes dark and sorrowful.

He could not forgive, and he also couldn't forget. Niklas had watched his father's silent grief and later wondered. Was he merely grieving the loss of his beloved or the fleeting child who smiled shyly at him?

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