Mini Q & A

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Hello~ Hope you're all having a splendid day! As promised, I'm answering some questions posted back in chapter 48, thanks for asking them! Some of my answers are a bit lengthy ^^;; if they interest you, feel free to read them~

Regardless, I'll see you on Thursday! Have the most wonderful week until then ^^

1) Writing preparations.

To be completely honest, it changes with every novel. Originally, with SSFP, it was a spur of the moment decision, and I barely remember how it began because it was really random. I wrote a chapter, decided I wanted to write about a prince, and his estranged relationship with his siblings (I love family dynamics to death) and then it developed into something more complex. I did plan the outline, but very little.

The beginning to a novel is in the first chapter. I want to write something, a ghost of an idea. I want to write a tragedy, a star-crossed romance, a man who can't love himself but is loved by all others, nothing more and nothing less. 

Then, I write the first chapter, no plot in mind, barely any characters shaped. I write the first chapter, and I sit back and stare and decide, "Do I want to see their ending?" If I do, I flesh out the plot based off mainly character developments, how relationships can progress, what scenes I want to see. After deciding what I want to write (I write what I want to read) I flesh out the plot by adding twists and turns.

For the most part, it's pretty sporadic lol. It changes a little, by a word, a sentence, a paragraph, every time my fingers touch the keyboard. This novel, by far, is my most planned work though perhaps still lacking in some aspects, every word typed is a learning experience!

2) Writing History.

I put this separately because I feel like it makes sense lol, more organized maybe. This goes off into a deeper end, but words, stories, they're all really important to me. No matter how silly, how dark, how obscure. I won't go into it too much, but it's very easy to get lonely. By writing or reading, you become part of a family, and even if it isn't technically real, you're watching somebody grow and live in a way that you couldn't.

I've always written (it's actually very amusing to read the little chunks I wrote in google docs when I was younger)

I never attempted to write out an entire story before SSFP, considered it but never tried. I never had something I wanted to write so badly that I needed to see the ending. When I started reading more webnovels, I do believe ORV was my first after getting art baited, and then I fell into a danmei spiral as well, I thought it was incredible, words on the internet, seen and read. It was different, the way that they were written, which of course is also the difference between trad published works and webnovels to begin with. 

Lots of things inspired me, made me think, what if I could do this, which of course comes with the thought, "but of course, I could never reach the same success."

But then, "so what?" I wrote a chapter, and decided I wanted to see the ending. Danmei's, webnovels of all sorts of genres were what spurred it, but another thing was a specific novel by an author I dearly admire. 

Yiyuehua, author of Moon Theory (a webnovel I believe is currently going through a re-write) inspired me in an entirely new way. It's so hard to describe, but everything about the way they express themselves through their words is absolutely facinating, and I was overwhelmed by a need to attempt it, even if I could never quite be the same (naturally, we are both different writers, our style and voice are not the same)

3) How many years are we going to read about the main cast in the Academy?

By the end of this section, Kaden's time in the Academy will conclude. It's hard to estimate, but let's give a wide approximate of 40 - 60 chapters? They (our darling trio) are presently first-years. Reed, Nicola and Lux are third-years. Skye is in his second, as well as Holly. There will be a brief time-skip of perhaps 3 years? I haven't actually decided exactly, but I guarentee there will be a time-skip.

4) Kaden's modern era. (Specifically, language and location)

I'm going to be completely honest and say his modern life hasn't been thought out in excessive depth. I'll likely explore it more in the future, it does play a part, and it does have a reason for existing. But I'll tell you what I do know.

Kaden came to conscious abruptly, recalling the tragedy of his first life in the later stages of his life. He'd already grown, suffered and lived a life of loneliness and misery, and help was rare. When he 'remembered' he'd already learned the language when he was younger—though with many struggles.

Kaden, I'd say, has more European features and if I had to pinpoint a place, perhaps some place in the UK. He's a pretty quick learner, able to adapt to the common language (unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint a specific place in mind, nor am I certian I'll state a specific one in the future) and he's good at watching others, adapting their habits, their tones and mannerisms.

5) Kaden's macarons (Did he eat them?)

Absolutely. Noah has become trained to notice the eager glint in Kaden's eyes (a glint that seems to only appear in the dragon's presence, I wonder why hehe) and even if Kaden had forgotten, Noah, the motherly hen that he is, would've packed it up and brought it back to their room to feed- give the macarons for Kaden to taste.

Anyway! Kaden loves the taste! It is a little too sweet for him (He likes tasting and trying everything, but honestly, due to not being used to it, strong flavours hurts his stomach)

He ended up eating too many and getting a stomach ache (a certain dragon sighed in exasperation and spent an evening taking care of a certain glutton)

6) Regarding Kaden's task to find information of the missing dragon + ingredients

He's been a little too relaxed lately, not as focused as he could be. It isn't something especially urgent either, for the moment. Very soon, that'll change. Within say, the next 10 chapters, I believe. Don't worry, he hasn't forgotten (I haven't either!) but distracted with the happiness of his present, he'd temporarily put aside his other missions and objectives.

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