111 | hesitate; star shaped scar

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A long arm was held through the bars, and a fine needle-shaped contraption pierced the lightly tanned skin, through the blue veins that were surrounded by a wisp of black.

Noah's gaze flattened and he looked at the door quietly. "This is the time that Kaden delivers my meal."

The prince that Noah had defined was a cruel, intelligent man suited to rule a Kingdom, if not for the vague air of disinterest and darkness that brewed in his elegance.

Kaden attracted a similar kind of scum; all those with nothing else in life, obsessed with the treasure they found.

But an intelligent man would not choose this moment to extract Noah's blood for whatever reason he did. Not without knowing that Kaden would come down.

"Initially, long before Kaden befriended you," said Reed impassively, examining the device as a drop of blood sat at the top of the needle. "I intended to drain you of your blood and investigate your organs."

The cruel words were spoken calmly, and similarly, Noah was unperturbed. "Why?"

"Dragons, even those blessed, live for a long time. Although your lifespan may not exceed your predecessors, it will exceed a human's."

"Everybody must die one day. Do you seek immortality?"

Reed scoffed. "I'm no exception to the cycle of life."

The door clicked at the top of the steps, and Reed's hand twisted around Noah's wrist even more firmly, more viciously. He raised the needle as if posed to stab him.

"Congratulations, dragon," whispered Reed, leaning closer as he yanked the arm, rattling Noah's chains violently. "You get to live a while longer."

The door swung open, and at the top of the steps stood Kaden, a fury blazing in his eyes.

His gaze darted to the tightly held arm, the held needle that trickled with a drop of crimson. The confusion streaked across Noah's face as if he had been told something he couldn't understand.

"What have you done?"

All Kaden saw was blinding white, and he stalked down, before his thoughts could calm, his hands were grabbing Reed and slamming the older man to the ground.

Kaden yanked Reed's collar, all his fears, all his hesitation, gone.

"What did you do to him?" seethed the man.

Reed glanced at the unbroken needle and slid it into his pocket with a free hand. Calmly, he raised his unflinching gaze. "You remember him. And you've been lying to me."

Then, softly, he continued. "Would a night in there remind you of where you stand, Kaden? I didn't lock the door the other night. Should I, this time?"

Kaden flinched as if he'd been slapped, eyes darting to the closed metal door and fear crowding his vision.

The dragon, watching, recognized it in moments, dread sitting heavy on his empty stomach. Kaden hated it, the way his body remembered the past once more, behind those locked doors.

His nails remembered what it felt like to scrap the walls until they cracked and bled.

His throat remembered what it was like to scream until his voice bled dry.

His eyes remembered the merciless darkness that refused him any salvation.

But he was no longer the same—he reminded himself pleadingly. His hands tightened around Reed's collar, drawing past it, wrapping around the throat that was thinner than he remembered.

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