60 | petals; the floating illusion

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The students were separated into smaller groups that were monitored by specific professors. Three students per group, of various grades. Kaden knew that every person standing in the crowd was one of high skills, or great potential.

Whether it was their control of their blessing, or their talents in twisting their tongues in discussion, conversing with others to a standard Kaden's socially inept self would never reach.

He'd thought about it—how did somebody 'copy' somebody else? How did somebody have a conversation that flows instead of stagnating?

There were rules and methods to conversation, and Kaden couldn't adapt to them. To begin with, knowledge and experience aided greatly in talking to different people, all interested in different subjects.

Kaden, unfortunately, couldn't really discuss the different ways to killing a person stealthily, or where to hang around in order to get an invitation to an illegal meeting.

It'd been a while since his classes started, and the only friends he had were because they approached him first...

Raymond cleared his throat, noticing the distraction in his trio of students. "Ahem. I'm certain that your minds are full of thoughts, and many curiosities—or at least, I'd certainly hope they are considering how young you are and how much you can learn—"

A passing Alexander tapped a book on Raymond's head, and Raymond's glasses slipped slightly from his nose before the other adjusted it helplessly.

"Focus, Ray."

Raymond tilted his head back, smiling sheepishly. "Of course." He turned his attention back to the students. "Now, where was I? Wait... I forgot... ah! Remember to stick together, we are visitors, and cannot stick our noses in matters that aren't related to us."

Niklas laughed at the professor's distraction, waving his hand in the air. "Tell me Prof, what's our purpose being here?"

"Well, I'm sure you've all heard of the cases of missing faeries by now, there's no hiding that fact. Our being here is in good faith, and to lend our hand should they need it. It's also an opportunity for you students to witness another atmosphere."

They were seated at a wooden table cut from the slab of a trunk, the many rings telling of the tree's ancient history. Textured oaken walls stretched over them, concaved as if they were sitting in the hollows of a tree.

Which they were, actually, Kaden recalled absentmindedly. Flowers interwoven with hanging lights, lit with a soft glow of warmth, swayed from the ceilings, petals gently scattered over the ground.

A dining hall carved from a mystical dream, if dreams were sewn from leaves and branches, from nature and everything that it embodied.

Noah, sitting in a calm fashion, scrunched his nose as a white petal drifted and landed on his nose. He shifted his head slightly, but it clung to his skin as if attached by glue.

Niklas snickered, and only grew louder when glared at by Noah. Kaden couldn't help but let out a short breath of laughter, reaching forward to pick up the delicate petal.

Then, he reached out and placed it in the softness of Noah's hair.

"....." The dragon, mouth opened to offer gratitude, fell silent.

Kaden shrugged at the accusatory glare. "My finger slipped. It's unfortunate, you know, how much it suits you. I was compelled to place it back."

"Is that so?"

"It is so. I'm glad you understand."

Noah regarded him for a second before calmly leaning down, lightly cupping his hand as he drew a pile of petals toward him. The next second, expressionlessly, he tossed it over Kaden's hair.

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