15 | crimson; a likeness in appearance

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It was late into the night when they returned, a single hour before most of the crowd scurried home. The pathway to the dormitories was bleak, lit up by the elegant moonlight, surrounded by ancient stars.

The silence enveloped them in the comforting breeze, making Kaden all the more aware of the person walking beside him.

That's why Noah's question that disturbed the stagnant air was all the more startling.

"Why did you help that little boy?"

Kaden's eyes flickered over, features softened by the night. "Why not? I have enough food to last me a lifetime, and I'm not so greedy to not share."

Noah thought back to a certain person clinging desperately to the boxes of food, persistently gulping down bit after bite despite their protesting stomach.

"....." Where was this supposed 'not greedy' person earlier?

Recognition graced Kaden's face in a teasing smile. "Of course, it's different for you, Bellamy."

"...why is that?"

"I'm saving you from eating unhealthy junk food—aren't I rather considerate to your health?"

"You don't care for the health of the child, then."

"You see, I didn't have any other food on hand, and an unhealthy meal is better than no meal, right? Although I'd prefer to give something healthier, that child is used to scraps. Any meal is a gift."

The dragon was struck dumb by the logic, falling silent. Kaden smiled in satisfaction, feeling the pleasure of winning a battle.

However, Noah wasn't entirely displeased.

The teasing of the unruly fool had gone from sarcastic and biting, to more fliratious, relaxed tones.

And knowing that this lonely man had allowed Noah's presence to become something that he could relax around itched the dragon's heart, like a small paw brushing against him.

Faint, and a butterfly kiss against his feelings, almost invisible were those emotions. He chose not to think further on it—there was much of Kaden yet to know.

The dragon simply thought that making a friend of this person wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Are you thinking about your love for me, Bellamy?" remarked Kaden, more to ruin the silence between them, than out of malicious intent.

Noah scoffed, and said nothing more, but Kaden didn't mind all that much.

The quiet, in fact, was not stifling in the slightest. Tension loosened in his straight shoulders, smoothened out by the gentle air, and the sweet singing of birds. Sometimes, Kaden lifted his heads to the skies and felt overwhelmed that he was alive.

A person was waiting by the entrance, waving upon catching sight of the pair.

Niklas grinned and shouted loudly, "Hey! You guys left me to go on a date?"

"I certainly didn't want to go on with a date with you, Niklas." answered Kaden, walking up to him with a light laugh.

"That's not what I'm saying."

"With all your complaints, I'm assuming you wanted the three of us to hold hands and skip along the road?"

The image that flickered briefly in Niklas's head shocked him deeply. "Absolutely not!"

"Then are you still going to complain?"

Suddenly, the noisy man couldn't bring himself to say anything else, lest Kaden conjure a new horrible image with his words.

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