13 ¦ Let Me Show You Why

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Together with Teresa pulling my suitcase behind him, my father escorts me to the black Bentley parked on our driveway. Sunghoon gets out of the car and approaches us to shake my father's hand in greeting before opening the trunk for Teresa to stow my luggage inside.

For a moment, Sunghoon remains standing next to Teresa before standing next to me again and looking at my father. "I will contact you as soon as Dolores and I arrive," Sunghoon assures him as he notices the skeptical expression on my father's face. "Okay," my father replies. And although he wouldn't admit it in front of Sunghoon, he's not worried about anything happening to us on the way to the cottage, but rather about me jeopardizing his deal.

Sunghoon puts his hand on my back and looks at me through the dark lenses of his sunglasses. "Get in the car already," he asks me with gentleness and opens the passenger door for me. I sink into the comfy seat and am already buckling up before Sunghoon closes the door.

Curious, I watch the conversation Sunghoon is having with my father. I don't know what Sunghoon is saying to my father as he approaches his face menacingly, but whatever it is causes all color to drain from my father's face. Sunghoon, on the other hand, doesn't make a face as he shakes my father's hand in farewell before joining me in the car.

I would love to ask Sunghoon what he said to my father, but I refrain. Instead, I give my father and Teresa one last look before the black Bentley starts moving and Sunghoon backs out of the driveway.

We've been driving on the crowded highway for two hours now. It seems that we are not the only ones going to the sea for the weekend. After all, according to the radio announcer, we are in for the hottest weekend of the year so far.

Over all, you can see the camping cars and the trunks of station wagons overflowing with luggage, with parents sitting in them with their children. So far, Sunghoon and I haven't talked much. I am all the more surprised when he breaks the silence.

"By the way, I talked to the saleswoman from the bridal fashion store again on the phone," Sunghoon tells me, and I feel my breath catch. "Their dressmaker is going to shorten the dress on Saturday, and we can come right over for a second fitting on Monday."

"Oh," I make, nervously fiddling with the ribbons of my red wrap dress. "Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing?", I want to know, lowering my gaze.

Nervously, I press my lips together. I'm afraid that Elle might have told him what she saw. "It's not," Sunghoon replies, shaking his head. "I was just thinking about what you said again."

Questioningly, I look at him. "You know... That it's bad luck to see the bride in her dress beforehand," he explains with a quick glance in my direction.

"What are you trying to tell me?", I ask Sunghoon confused. "You can always choose another dress if it's that important to you," he suggests, but I immediately shake my head. This dress is exactly the dress I want to wear at my wedding, if I have to get married.

"No," I reply. "Unless it's too expensive for you after all." Finally, I remember Elle pointing out to Sunghoon that it's way over Sunghoon's stated budget.

"Are you kidding?", Sunghoon asks laughing. "Nothing is too expensive for my future wife." Sadly, I direct my gaze out the window. I wonder if Sunghoon didn't imagine his life differently. Didn't he ever dream of marrying the love of his life, having children with her, and being happy?

Another half hour later we finally reach our destination and I am amazed when I get out of the black Bentley and look at the big house, which offers a direct view of the sea.

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