50 ¦ The Next Chapter

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A/N: anininifragile cuz u seemed so desperate for an update pls feel satisfied with this. :-))
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It takes five minutes until the result of the pregnancy test is displayed, which Teresa has fetched for me from the pharmacy. These five minutes seem like an unbearable eternity. They are the longest five minutes of my life.

I don't manage to stay seated for ten seconds next to Teresa, who is sitting on the edge of the bathtub waiting for the test result together with me. Instead, I keep walking and pacing restlessly in the bathroom.

Sunghoon is at a company meeting, which is why he doesn't notice any of this. So far, I have not dared to tell him about my fear of being pregnant. My fear of how he will react is too big; will he be angry, shocked or will he be happy?

"I think the five minutes are up," Teresa states with a quick glance at her wristwatch. The heart in my chest begins to race and I feel the pressure on my chest. But I don't dare move from the spot.

As if rooted to the spot, I stand in the middle of the bathroom and look in the direction of the test. On the one hand, I want to know what the result is, but on the other hand, I am also afraid. What if it's actually positive?

I take a deep breath through my nose, hold my breath and count to ten. I need to calm down. No matter what the result is; everything will be fine. At least, that's what I try to tell myself.

I exhale the air through my mouth again and reach for the pregnancy test lying on the shelf of the mirrored cabinet. I close my eyes and pause for a moment before glancing at the result.

Two strokes. The heart in my chest skips a beat.

Two strokes.


Not one, but two.

Pregnant. I am pregnant...

The test slips from my shaky fingers and falls to the floor. Tears run down my cheeks and I begin to sob. My knees threaten to give way under my weight, so I have to brace myself against the sink.

Teresa seems to know immediately what is going on. She rises from the edge of the bathtub and takes me in her arms to calm me down. My entire body shakes and I cry bitterly. I'm not ready to be a mother. Not now. I don't even know how to face Sunghoon with this.

"You have to tell him," Teresa says softly, stroking my back soothingly with her hand. I immediately break away from her and look at her, stunned. "No, I can't tell him," I reply, shaking my head. Right now, things are going well between Sunghoon and me, our relationship is going well. But I'm afraid that this news will negatively affect what we've built up.

"I'm afraid..." "Sunghoon loves you with everything he has. You have to tell him," Teresa says again. This time her voice sounds more emphatic. Before I can say anything back, I hear the front door slam into the lock.

Panicked, I look at her, who picks up the pregnancy test from the floor and thrusts it into my hand. "Lola?!" his voice echoes through the house. "Where are you?"

I immediately shove the test into the pocket of my cardigan and wipe the tears from my face before Teresa and I leave the bathroom and head toward the stairs Sunghoon has just come up. "Teresa," Sunghoon says in surprise, smiling at the middle-aged woman. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to check on Dolores," she replies, glancing in my direction. The heart in my chest beats excitedly against my ribs and I think I'm going to keel over at any moment. I shove my hands into the pockets of my cardigan and clutch the test inside tightly with my fingers. "I was just leaving, though."

After we escort Teresa to the front door and say our goodbyes, I immediately want to go upstairs to avoid Sunghoon and lay down. But the latter grabs my arm and stops me. "Wait," he says. Carefully, he puts his hands on my shoulders to turn me to face him. "What's wrong, Dolores? Now please don't tell me everything is fine, because you know as well as I do that it's not."

"I-" tears stream down my face and I shake my head. Unable to bring myself to say the words, I pull the positive pregnancy test from the pocket of my cardigan and hold it out to Sunghoon.

His eyes widen. "What-what is this?" he wants to know, taking the test from my hand to have a look himself. With his lips slightly parted, he looks back and forth between the result and me.

"Is that- You're- We're going to-" He can't manage to find the right words. "I'm not ready to be a mom. I don't want to have a broken family like the one I was born into...", I cry, feeling my knees buckle under my weight. I settle down on the steps of the stairs and press the heels of my hands so hard into my eyes that I see multicolored dots. "I'm so scared."

Sunghoon kneels in front of me and grabs my hands to remove them from my face. "Listen to me," he says, looking deep into my teary eyes. With his thumb, he wipes away the tears that are inexorably making their way down my cheeks.

"This child growing inside you was created out of our love for each other. This is what we created. You and I. And we will also manage to give this child a happy, carefree life." Suddenly, Sunghoon puts his hands on my belly and I feel the warmth spreading throughout my body starting from his hands.

"I've been afraid of this all my life, too," he confesses, looking deep into my eyes. "I've been afraid of failing as a father. Afraid of uncertainty." Sunghoon pauses, eyeing me. "But with you by my side, I am no longer afraid because you make me a better and happier man. With you by my side, anything is possible."

"I love you, Hoon," I say, and fall around his neck, sobbing.

"I love you, Lola," Sunghoon replies, breathing a kiss on my temple. "You make me happy."

A/N: I have no Idea how to continue this story but I don't want it to finish...

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