45 ¦ Cold Basement

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Dolores POV:

"I don't want your money," says the man who had me kidnapped and brought here. He casts a glance in my direction and grins mockingly.

My body, trembling with fear and cold, freezes as he approaches me and lifts my chin with his fingers. "You," he says. "To make up for what your filthy father and uncle took from me."

In response, the young man simply hangs up and slides his cell phone into his pants pocket. His fingers are still pushing my chin up ungently as he approaches my face.

I squint my eyes tightly shut and tug at the tight restraints that cut painfully into my skin. "Please...", I whisper, terrified. "Don't hurt me."

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart. Nothing will happen to you as long as you cooperate," he assures me, touching the throbbing spot on my temple.

I've been held at fucking gunpoint and knocked out, and he wants to tell me I won't be harmed? It's clearly too late for that promise.

"Who are you anyway? And what do you want from me!", I ask. "Didn't Sunghoon tell you about me?" the stranger wants to know, shaking his head in played disappointment. "What a shame, though."

Tears run down my cheeks, which the stranger wipes away with his thumb. Disgusted, I screw up my face and finally turn it away from him completely. "Don't touch me, you asshole," I hiss at him.

"Riki," he replies calmly. "What?", I say and draw my eyebrows together in confusion. "My name is Riki," he repeats.

Suddenly, his grip on my face tightens and he pulls it roughly back in his direction. "And you, dear, will call me by that name only. Otherwise, we'll have a big problem. Understood?"

I remain silent.

"Answer me!", Riki angrily demands of me. At that, he suddenly grabs me by the neck and squeezes a little.

Panicked, I gasp for air, which his fingers cut off. More tears roll down my cheeks as I pull at my bonds and squeeze my eyes tightly shut. "Y-yes," I barely squeeze out. "I'm sorry, Riki."

He lets go of me and I take a deep breath through my mouth. Riki's lips form into a smug grin and his brown eyes scrutinize me. "Good girl," he says, patting my head.

I swallow hard... What the hell have I gotten myself into here? Is he one of the people Sunghoon told me about that night? The people who are out to get him?

Or what would be even worse. Is he the mastermind of all this? And what did he mean by compensating for what Sunghoon's father and uncle took from him? What did they take from him? And what does all this have to do with me?

"Can you loosen my bonds?", I ask and move my fingers, which feel quite numb due to the tight bonds. Riki takes a quick look at my bonds before an annoyed sigh escapes his lips. "No," he replies coolly. "It's your own fault that I tied you up. If you'd been cooperative from the start, you wouldn't be down here tied to a chair."

A sob escapes my lips and I lower my gaze. "Are you going to kill me?", I ask fearfully. "You?" Riki laughs mockingly. "You're just my decoy. Sunghoon won't take long to free his Jagiya. If anyone dies tonight, it's him."

Riki pulls out a gun and waves it in front of my face. The heart in my chest begins to race. Riki knows as well as I do that it's only a matter of time before Sunghoon shows up here to rescue me. And when that time comes, Riki will possibly kill him.

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