19 ¦ My priority

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Hi guys, tbh i didnt want to post today because i have been posting a litle bit too much these past few days, but since we reached 1K i'll post a chapter as a thank you for reading this story. Now you all have fun. <<3

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Although the days I've spent with Sunghoon have been a pure roller coaster ride of emotions for me, I already feel terrible as we drive up the driveway to my parents' house in the car. Even from a distance, I recognize my father, who already seems to be waiting for us joyfully and surely can't wait to ask Sunghoon about my behavior. 

Since the incident on the beach yesterday, Sunghoon has largely avoided coming too close to me or talking to me more than what is necessary. Although it makes me very uncomfortable in retrospect, I can now be sure that Sunghoon is similarly sensitive to me as I am to him.

"So here we are again," Sunghoon informs me, shutting off the engine of his car. As he sits motionless in the driver's seat and makes no effort to unbuckle his seatbelt, I assume that he has nothing more to say to me. Although I could care less, it makes me sad.

As I laboriously try to hide my tears, I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to open the passenger door to get out. In a flash, Sunghoon grabs my wrist, signaling me not to leave just yet. His touch triggers a wave of emotions in me, clouding my thoughts and causing goosebumps on my skin. 

"Look at me," Sunghoon orders me once again. Slowly, I turn my head in his direction. It's the first time he's looked me in the eye for more than a fleeting moment since the incident on the beach. 

"The past few days with you have really been very.... pleasant." Silently, I repeat his words over and over in my head, analyzing them. I open my lips to say something but close them right back when I notice my father approaching the car from the angle. 

Immediately, Sunghoon lets go of my wrist, leaving me with a cool blankness. He then turns away from me to unbuckle his seatbelt and gets out of the car. 

"It's good to have you back." My father's voice sends icy shivers down my spine, and I immediately feel all the muscles in my body tense as he pulls me into a hug in greeting. Everything in me screams to push him away from me, but I don't even want to imagine the consequences of this behavior. 

Never before have I been so close to a person and so far away at the same time as I am at this moment. I am all the more relieved when my father breaks away from the embrace again to greet Sunghoon with a handshake. 

"You really need to stay for dinner so you can tell me all about the vacation," my father suggests, ignoring the fact that I'm also present and might as well tell him about the vacation. "I'd love to," Sunghoon immediately replies, nodding in agreement. 

"Dolores and I really had a great time together, didn't we?" Sunghoon looks at me wanting to know my opinion. I'm intimidated by my father's looks. So instead of saying anything, I just nod. The less I say, the less I can do wrong and thus avoid an unnecessary wave of anger from my father. 

Before we go into the house, Sunghoon takes my suitcase out of the car. In the house he puts it down in front of the stairs. At that moment, my mother enters the hallway, her tired brown eyes darting back and forth between Sunghoon and me before she pulls me into a loving, brief hug.

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