1.3 | I Saw A Nightmare

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That evening when Zaman returned, he first asked the house help,“How's Aabirah's health now?”

“Oh, she is well now. She even cooked food today.”

Zaman was surprised. Aabirah didn't like cooking. She liked anything but cooking.

“Where is she now?” He asked.

“She is in the kitchen.”

He nodded and headed straight to the kitchen.

“Good evening, Aabi.” He greeted her who was busy cooking something.

“Good evening, Zaman.” Her mood seemed pleasant from the way she passed him a full-blown smile.

“Did you eat something?”

“Yes, I ate two large Aloo Parantha. And then tomato soup in lunch.” She nodded.

“Very good.” He smiled.

The pressure cooker's whistle interrupted their conversation.

“What are you cooking?” He asked pointing at the whistling pressure cooker.

“Biryani. Umm, you should change and then rest for a while. It will be ready by then.”  She suggested.

He nodded,“Okay.”


An hour later, they were done with an early dinner and Zaman asked her to bring her books. Aabirah wasn't in the mood to study, but still brought them and sat down with him to study.

But as he began elaborating on a topic, she could hardly register what he was saying. Her eyes were glued to his pink lips that were moving oh so gracefully. They resembled a strawberry, a very sweet strawberry that she couldn't resist.

“Are you even listening, Aabirah?” He asked when he noticed how she was gawking at his face.

“Nope.” She shook her head.

Now if it was any other time, he would have shouted at her for wasting his time and effort. But that's not how you talk to your wife who is also pregnant. So he simply asked her,“Do you want to study right now?”

“No.” She again shook her head.

“Alright.” And he closed the book in his lap and put it back on the coffee table.

“You agreed so easily.” She was surprised at his patience.

Zaman pulled her into his lap and caressed her naked stomach, thanks to the fact that she liked wearing saree most of the times.

“Let's talk about our future.” He began, “So, Aabi, what's worrying you?” 

“Zaman, I want to study and then pursue law.”

“I am helping you with studies. Is it helping?”

“Yes, you are good at teaching.”

“Hmm, so first problem solved?”

“Hmm.” She nodded.

“About career, we can ask our parents to take care of our baby in our absence. They will be more than willing to spend time with their grandchild.” He suggested with a bright smile.

“Actually, yes, Zaman.”

“So career problem too solved?”


“What else problem my little wife has?”

“I think I am getting fat.” She pouted while saying so.

“Aabi, it's a healthy weight. You are so thin. That's the reason your menstrual cramps are extremely painful. The weight gain is preparing you to nurture the baby in your womb. It's a good thing.”

“And my boobs are also enlarging.” Aabirah made a crying face.

“Baby, that's also normal. Your boo- breasts are getting ready to feed the baby.” It felt awkward to say boobs, so he used breasts instead.

“But I am not liking these changes. I don't want to become like those aged aunties with large boobs and fat accumulated all over their bodies.” There was sheer horror on her face. She wanted to age gracefully.

“It won't happen, Aabi. We will seek a dietician's help to keep you in shape. Okay?”

“Hmm.” She hummed.

“Great. Let's start with study again.” And he picked the book again.

“But I don't want to study.” Aabirah protested as he put her down from his lap.

“Then give me a written test. I'll let you go if you score at least eighty percent in the test.”

Eighty percent in Zaman's test? That seemed quite impossible to her. She sighed before saying,“I'll study.”

“That's like my good girl.” He pulled her cheek and immediately began with a new chapter.


That night Zaman was sleeping peacefully when Aabirah began shaking him vigorously. He jolted up from his sleep and looked at her with his eyes as wide as saucers.

“What happened, Aabi?” He asked in a concerned tone.

“I... I saw a nightmare.” Aabirah stammered.

“What did you see?” He cupped her face and asked carefully.

“I saw that... an elephant popped out of my womb.”

“What!?” Zaman was more amused than shocked at her choice of nightmare.

“Yes.” But his wife nodded as if she saw a very seriously scary nightmare that will keep her awake for many nights.

“Aabirah, it's just an absurd dream. There's no need to worry over it. Just try to fall asleep.” He pushed her back on the bed.

“What if it's a sign that our baby will be overweight?” She pointed out, as if her words made a lot more sense.

“Seriously, Aabirah! Just sleep and let me and my baby sleep as well. C'mon, close your eyes.” Zaman began patting her forehead like a mother will do to her child to make him fall asleep.

“But, Zaman-” She tried to protest but her words were cut off by him quite sternly.

“No, keep quiet and close your eyes.” And he put his palm on her eyes.

Aabirah stayed quiet after that because Zaman's mind was too logical and factual to believe on her superstition.

“Aabirah, it's just a dream. Cool down. No one in your family has elephant genes. You are a human's child and your offspring will also be a human without a trunk or tail.” She talked to herself and soon fell asleep.

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