3.3 • The Painting

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Hooriya was staring at the tiny card with ten digits printed over it. She was contemplating whether she should save his number or not.

“He said we will make nice friends. Then I should save his number.” She smiled and quickly saved his number in her contact list.

She quickly opened WhatsApp and was about to send him a Hi, but she stopped.

“That will make me seem desperate.”

The very moment Rizwan sent her a picture of good morning on WhatsApp. Hooriya made a face and mumbled colourful words for her jerk of a cousin. She had refused to marry him yet he was hell bent on irritating her.

But then an idea struck her mind and she forwarded the same good morning quote to Zayan.


Zayan was cuddling on his bed, not willing to start his day so early.

“Zayan, wake up!” He heard his brother's voice.

With a sigh he got up from the bed and folded his quilt before putting his phone on charging. He turned on his mobile data and opened WhatsApp. An unknown number had sent him a good morning. He frowned. He clicked on the profile picture. It was a black and white snap of two girls hugging each other. Both of them were wearing specs and looked like biological sisters through their facial similarities. When he paid more attention on their faces, he realised that the one on left side is Hooriya.

“So it's Hooriya's number.” He smiled and saved it by her name.

“Zayan, Hoor isn't eating her food.” Ayan called for him again.

Zayan put his phone down and went to see his baby who wasn't eating anything. When Hoor was done drinking the milk and eating the egg and left to roam around, Zayan freshened up and entered his art room. He arranged the colours and took his brush. However, when his paintbrush met the white canvas, no imagery came to his mind. There was only one face in his imagination. Hooriya's face. So he began painting her. It took him ten long hours to complete it. He didn't eat or drink. He simply wanted to draw her and keep staring at her. At last, when he was done painting and Hoor was back frok her excursions, he picked her in his arms and slept on the marble floor while hugging her.

Two hours later, when he woke up, Hoor was gone again. He looked at the wall clock which showed it was nine at night. His stomach grumbled, pleading for some food. He yawned and went to the kitchen. When he opened the fridge, his eyes beamed at the sight of delicious pink strawberries. He quickly pulled out the small basket of fresh strawberries and the jar of melted chocolate. He dipped a strawberry in the melted chocolate and ate it with much pleasure. In no time the entire basket was empty and his mind was intoxicated by the sugar rush. Zayan went to his bedroom and slumped down on the bed.

The next morning Zayan wrapped Hooriya's painting in a white cover and sent it to her home as a gift. While he began making another portrait of her. The one that he will keep for himself.


Hooriya was making cheese sandwich for the breakfast when she heard Hoorain calling for her.

“Hooriya, there's a parcel for you.”

“What parcel?” She asked loudly.

“I don't know, but its big.”

“Alright, I'm coming.” She quickly poured the tea into three cups. Hoorain didn't consume beverages so she made lemonade for her. Hooriya put the sandwiches and drinks on a tray and went to the dining table.

She put the breakfast on table and quickly went to the living room to take a look at the parcel Hoorain was talking about.

Hoorain was lost in her phone while the parcel rested on the couch. It was big, but flat.

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