3.1 • A Stormy Night

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It was a stormy night. Hooriya was returning from a friend's birthday party. She was driving alone on a deserted highway with scary trees on both sides. Her phone began ringing for the fourth time in the last one hour. She sighed before receiving Hoorain's call.

“Yes Aapi.”  She tried her best to not sound irritated.

“Hooriya, where are you? It's past midnight and Ammi is eating out my head.” Hoorain whisper yelled at her.

“Aapi, I went to drop a friend so got late.”

“Come home as soon as possible. It's raining heavily outside and Ammi is worried for you.”

“What about Baba?”

“He had his favourite Haleem for dinner so couldn't stay awake for long after eating such a heavy meal.”

“It will take me another hour to reach home. But don't worry. It's not the first time I'm driving alone at night. You should sleep.”

“Ammi won't let me sleep. Come soon.” Hoorain sighed.

“Alright.” And they ended the call.

Hooriya kept driving. She was on the outskirts of the city. A jungle away from the noise of ever busy city. She could already see the lights of buildings on the horizon. However, something horrible caught her attention. A car crashed into a tree.

She quickly stopped the car and got down. However, she didn't forget to pull out her licenced gun for it could be a trap too. Hooriya took slow steps towards the black car. It was raining. She got drenched in the rainwater completely. When she was only a few steps away from the car, she saw a person lying on the driver's seat. Without any second thought she hit the window of the car door with the back of her gun. Hooriya managed to unlock the door and checked the guy's heartbeat.

“He is alive.” She sighed in relief.

His head was injured and his face was completely drenched in his own blood. Calling an ambulance seemed risky. What if he died until the ambulance arrived? It seemed safer to drive him hospital herself. So Hooriya quickly drove her car closer to the crashed black car and put that unconscious guy in the back seat. And she sped to the nearest city hospital.


“It was wise of you to not wait for an ambulance. He had lost a lot of blood and could have died.” The doctor spoke.

Hooriya nodded. She was drenched in rain and was feeling cold.

“We have called his family. They will be here anytime soon. You should return home or you may fall sick yourself.” He suggested looking at her paled face.

“Sure, doctor.” She smiled and turned around to leave.

However, a middle-aged man and a guy in his thirties came running towards them.

“Doctor, is Zayan Shabbir alright? I'm his father.” The middle-aged man asked with fear and worry.

“Don't worry, he is out of danger. This young lady brought him to hospital on time or things could have gone worse with him.”

And they turned to her. Now she felt a little awkward at the way they looked at her with gratitude.

“Thank you so much for saving my son's life, beta. God bless you.” The man smiled and blessed her.

“It's alright, uncle. You should thank God. It was a mere coincidence that I chose to drive from that highway.” She smiled.


“I am taking my leave now. My family must be worried.” Saying so she left the hospital.

Hooriya sighed as soon as she exited that depressing building. The rain had stopped by then. But the air still carried coldness and made her shiver. She quickly sat inside the car and finally drove back home.

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