🩸Gone Astray (pt.4)🩸

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"𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 day when we would most likely get into more trouble together."

Oh how wrong I was. I went to the forest for a week straight, waiting until the moon was up and the stars shone. But she made no appearance.

Had she just been playing with me? Loving to watch the look on my face when she walked in and knew she looked sexy? Was I just a pet to her? Someone she could have sex with, and then disappear and never come back for?

She was toying with my heart, she knew how much I loved her. I'd gotten too comfortable too quickly.

I stopped going to the forest, I wasn't going to waste my time. I spent my time studying, something I hadn't done in ages. In the next week, I surprisingly saw my English grade rise.

I showed my mother my grade. She didn't focus on it, or congratulate me.

"You have a C in Algebra? Who the fuck raised you? My daughter would never." She laughed, taking another swig of her beer.

That's why I'd given up on trying in school. No matter what I did, she'd always find a flaw. I had no hope of going to college anyway.

For two weeks, I longed for Cleodare's touch. Praying and wishing she'd come back to hold me. What the fuck had happened? I'd gone over everything almost a million times, thinking of every possible scenario and reason for why she would leave. I could only imagine her arms around me, I could only imagine her fingers running through my hair.

I spent nights crying myself to sleep. I couldn't get anybody to love me. I didn't have friends, my parents were barely living, breathing humans, and I lost the person I thought was my soulmate.

I dreamed of the night I met her. I dreamed of feeling how it felt again. How the trees closed in on us, how soft her blush pink lips were. How delicately she'd caressed my cheek. How her bangs parted so beautifully. I remembered how her black hair flowed as she walked when she saved me from the club, and how her fingers entered my mouth and I'd sucked them through drunken passion.

And she'd thrown it all out the fucking window.

She had played with me like a puppet.

Well, I put myself in her shoes, if I was a steaming hot, sexy vampire, would I really date a scrawny little human? Who had no way to defend themself? It was pathetic of me to even think we had something.

On the third week, with little hope went back to the forest. I skipped school for it, walked all the way home, and carried everything to the middle of the forest behind my house.

I sat down against a thick tree trunk, and watched the birds I could see flying, just their wings poking out from over the thick wood.

No chance Cleodare would show up, the sun was poking through the branches, and she had already made it clear she hated me.

I tried so hard to be mad at her, to call her a heartless, bloodthirsty monster, but all I could do was let tears slip out from my emerald eyes, as I read my book. My Fantasy book I had checked out from the library. About Vampires.

What hurt most wasn't her leaving, what hurt most wasn't her ignoring me, or even telling her not telling me goodbye. What hurt most, was that she didn't stop to think how I might feel.

She knew what she'd done to me. Making me awestruck by her figure, her every feature and every mannerism. She'd played me. Maybe if she would have told me she was leaving, it would hurt less.

I wanted to forget her, but the memories she left me with were too much to bear for my heart. I still loved her.

I sobbed in the empty forest. Everything was silent but the sound of my sorrow. The tears fell onto the pages of the book before I slammed it shut. Letting out a scream for my broken heart.

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