🩸Reminisce (pt.36)🩸

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‼️(TW: This chapter mentions drug use.)‼️

I was three months pregnant, which meant peeing a lot, morning sickness, and waiting for something actually interesting to happen. Although I guess I should've been thankful, because I knew it would only get harder.

Cleo had practically been treating me like a baby. She was getting into the mother mindset already, I guess. I didn't help it, though, I'd been much more clingy. She'd make time out of every day to cuddle, even when she had work.

I was walking home from the café, it was midday and rain was softly misting from the sky.

With a sigh, I continued forward, it was light and I could manage to get home before I got soaked.

A familiar voice suddenly caught my attention, it was low, but I could still hear it.

"I recognize that smell, baby," a snicker hid in their voice.

I couldn't place it, but whoever it was, I wasn't naïve, their intent was clear. I just had to avoid them. My steps sped up, heading towards home.

I could hear their footsteps behind me. The cloudy sky apparently wouldn't stop them.

A hand suddenly grabbed my arm and turned me around.
Gwenevieve stood in front of me with an all too-happy smile on. "Ah! Marine!"

"G-Gwenevieve..." I took a few steps back, losing her, her grip on had been weak.

I had to admit, every time I saw her I'd again realize how attractive she was. Hot, even.

Her septum piercing was a black ring with a small spike. Her hair was long,  to her elbows when she crossed her arms in front of her chest. It was a light, pale yellow, looking like she'd just gotten out of bed, but a little more tame. It had a natural-looking, effortless curl to it. It was hot bedhead.

She snickered and stepped forward, making me instantly lurch back.

"Don't be nervous."
"I-I'm not nervous." I muttered.

Truthfully I actually wasn't that nervous. I was busy trying not to make it obvious that I was checking her out.

Which I was definitely going to blame on the pregnancy hormones if I accidentally spilled it to Cleo. Although, there was no denying how gorgeous Gwenevieve was.

Not to be dramatic, but the dress she was wearing could've made me die. It was a tight, short, black dress. The slit on it went up most of her thigh. I'd never seen her wear a dress before, but she'd layered it with a red leather jacket, and her chunky, black boots that went up to her knees made me want to die even more.

I had no shame anymore. I had to admit it, she was hot. And I was doing everything I could to conceal my pink cheeks.

Her fangs seemed to always be out. Which I noticed most vampires did, except Cleo, unless she was hungry, really angry, or extremely horny.

Adian was standing next to her, a firm glare in his eyes. When he looked at me like that, and I pretended not to know anything about him, he was actually kind of attractive, too.

"Oh, don't run! It won't get you very far," Gwenevieve rolled her eyes. "Besides, I don't actually want you, anyway!"

She yanked me toward her and I stumbled forward. There was a somewhat strong, recognizable scent of marijuana coming from off of her.

She held me by my collar and sternly peered down at me.

Now had to be the worst time to be sapphic.

"Well...maybe a little bit." She whispered.

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