🩸Vulnerability (pt.74)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter 63-74 (the end) of this book will include highly sensitive and emotional topics. Viewer discretion is advised.‼️

Cleodare's POV:

"Come on, now, before the sun comes up, then!" Emient called, stepping over to us and continuing forward.

At least I wasn't scared now.

Slowly, we climbed over the tall wall surrounding the building and made our journey into the forest.

"It took me a while to get you out. I'm sorry."
"It's worth it. Every minute," I answered.

"I'm sorry it took so long...I-I just...was nervous! You know? And then I had to find the building...I actually broke into multiple prisons...It was just a whole thing!"

I snorted.

"Then I remembered that Theo knows how to do coding and stuff! You know, kids these days! So I asked him! I was like 'Theo, do you have any idea where your mother is?' He totally found you!"

"My son hacked into government files?"

"Y-yes, I think so."
"Did you tell him how amazing he is?"

Ivy giggled, nodding.

Nowadays, coding was a regular core class. But it was still incredibly impressive.

After about an hour of walking, I was getting tired. I barely had enough stamina to keep up a tiptoe.

"W-we're almost to the car!"
"Couldn't it have been a little closer?" I muttered.

I was honestly wondering why Emient didn't have any teleportation spells.

"We've actually been walking quite fast!"

I stumbled and fell to the ground, landing on the soft grass.

"Oh..." I whispered.


"J-just...let me stay here."

Emient turned to us, a small frown on his face, but he said nothing.

I closed my eyes and let out a small stretch.

"Your wrists..."

I'd already been staring at them for forever. The skin had caved in where the chains were constantly burning. My white flesh was red from burns, stained with blood. In fact, my whole body was smeared with blood stains. I could feel skin flaking off around my lips, my neck was covered in burns.

"That's nothing," I said simply.
"What did they do to you?..."

"Do you know about...sunkissed water?"

I didn't need my eyes to be open to know she'd shook her head.

"I'm not sure how they get it. But it burns worse than the sun, and stings worse than silver. It was the worst pain I've ever felt."

"Oh...Cleo," she whimpered.

Emient cleared his throat and spoke up, "What types of things did they do with it, child?"

"They'd throw it at me...or inject it into my bloodstream. I think they just liked to hear me scream after a while. I was constantly chained in silver. Sometimes they'd shove human food down my throat. I'd throw it up later. It was the worst stomach pain of my life. And I was never fed enough blood to heal any of my wounds."

He muttered something, but I didn't hear it. Maybe it was sympathy.

"I'm so sorry," Ivy whispered.
"I'm fine."

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