🩸Hope of a Timely Manner (pt.67)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter 63-74 (the end) of this book will include highly sensitive and emotional topics. Viewer discretion is advised‼️

Cleodare's POV:

"This is so cool!"

I could barely believe I was letting Ivy in my house.

"Your house is so cool! I wish my house was like this! I just live Underground."

I scoffed, "Thank you."

Her head craned up at the ceiling as we entered, and she constantly peered up to observe the chandelier in the kitchen.

"Do you want a drink?"
"Oh, sure! That'd be kinda cool. Storing it is really smart!"

She was a bit of a rambler, but it was nice. It filled the silence that had been occupying the walls lately.

"I wish I had a house like this," she repeated.

Footsteps slowly made their way down the stairs. I looked back to see Melanie.

"Mama, who's this?"

"Oh, hi!" Ivy scrambled out of her seat to meet her just as I slid her drink across the sleek marble counter.

"I'm Ivy. Nice to meet you! What's your name?"

To be frank, she was a little awkward, but at least she'd learned how to make an introduction.


Melanie shot me a look that screamed confusion and concern all in one, although partially amused. I responded with a small smile.

"Oh my God! Can I take you out for coffee? You look like a coffee type of person," Ivy giggled to her.

"Sure? Sure I guess." She shot me another look.
"Cool! We're gonna be besties!"

Melanie was screeching at me with her eyes.

"I'm going to meet my father, I'll be out for a while. You two can go have fun."

I tossed my wallet to Melanie, and clumsily, she caught it. She looked at me again, her mouth agape.

"See if your brother wants to go with you, okay? She's been stuck inside, too," I sighed.

Melanie nodded.

For a moment, things almost felt normal.

When I meant, "meet my father" I didn't. Not really.

Instead, I quickly ran up the stairs as if I'd just forgotten to grab something before I left. But I didn't leave.

I heard the front door latch click shut, and I climbed back into bed, unsure of my plan.

As I lay in bed, tossing and turning, I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep. No matter how much time I tried for, my body would never let me fully shut down. If I did, which was a rare occasion, I'd be given nightmares.

I sighed. I needed something. Someone. I needed to feel something other than the pit in my stomach. It was weighing me down and waiting for me to break.

Ivy was out of the house a lot. She had a life, so she wasn't always available to distract me.

But we'd been around each other quite a bit. She'd told me about the degree she had in counseling, about the pet cat she'd had when she was a kid. She'd tell me about a lot of things, and all I had to do was listen. It was refreshing to not feel like I had to take care of her, as well.

Today, my soul felt different, more numbness than anything. It made me greedy.

I sat up, flung my legs over the edge of the bed, and rushed out of the house.
When I arrived, there was a nervous twirl in my stomach, something I wasn't quite sure about.

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