🩸Airport (pt.53)🩸

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When I saw her jet-black hair glimmering in the distance, I already felt at home.

Her face lit up once she found me.

Her footsteps sped up and once she got closer, she dropped her bags to the floor and wrapped me in her arms.

"Ah, Marine!" She squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe.

"Sorry, babydoll," she huffed a small laugh and loosened up.

I hugged her back and we stayed there, I was sure breathing in each other's scent wasn't one-sided. Her sage and rosemary cologne. It felt like a relief to finally be in her arms again.

As my head rested on her chest, I was met with the familiar feeling of her breathing. Her cold body pressed against mine, her hands gently running through my hair. And she was all mine.

"I missed you, you know that?" As she pulled away she held onto my arms.

I giggled as she leaned in, the soft pressure of her lips hitting mine. I wanted to live in the feeling.

"I bet I missed you more," I whispered.

Our foreheads touched as she smiled, her lips spread wide, "Honestly, I don't doubt that."

She pulled back and wrapped an arm around me as she picked up her bags.

"Home, yes?"

I leaned into her side, softly nodding.

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow, I seriously need to sleep."

I smiled, "Okay, bubby. I'm just glad you're back."

We walked out of the airport without speaking, gazing at all the trees planted around and the hustle and bustle of cars picking up and dropping people off. The sounds of traffic and rough wheels of luggage grating against the concrete filled the silence.

"I bet you have things to tell me, too?" Cleo finally spoke as she helped me into the car.

I laughed, "Yes, and maybe a few questions too."
"Of course."

The car and traffic lights shone beautifully at night, it was something that wasn't appreciated nearly enough. Rain hit the windshield with a quiet smack while the radio wasn't on. Cleo usually blasted some type of old 80's rock, too, so the silence felt a lot louder.

I stared out the window, and some type of feeling came over me. Like reminiscence. I wasn't exactly sure why, the rain brought something else out in me.

As I rested my elbow below the window, my chin sat in my palm. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, my eyelids becoming weighted.

Cleo's hand gently crept onto my thigh, small shivers ran down my spine at the temperature against my bare skin. I was suddenly more aware of what movements she was making; her fingers softly ruffling the hem of my skirt as she rubbed my thigh.

With her final movements, or, at least the ones I felt, my eyelids fluttered closed to darkness.

When I woke up, I was snuggled under the thick blankets Cleo had wrapped me in, and I was clothed in nothing but underwear and her soft jacket. I murmured, not wanting my body to have woken me up yet. I shuffled under the covers, trying to go back to sleep, but Cleo's hand gently grazed my cheek.

"Good morning," her voice had a smiley rasp in it, her familiar morning voice. It felt good to wake up next to it again, butterflies erupting in my stomach so early.

"I don't wanna be up yet."

She snorted, "I know, babydoll,"

As I tried to press myself against her, her lips gently bumped against mine.

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