🩸Identity (pt.72)🩸

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter 63-74 (the end) of this book will include highly sensitive and emotional topics. Viewer discretion is advised. Minor gore warning‼️

Cleodare's POV:

~Two Weeks Later~

The bars of my cell shook. I opened my eyes lazily at the sound. There was a guard.

"Wake up. You have thirty minutes until your meeting."
"How many times do I have to tell you to just kill me?" I whispered.

They'd call my sessions of torture "meetings." At least it made it sound better.

The guard rolled her eyes at me.

"I haven't seen you before. What's your name?" I asked.
"That's none of your business."

I stared at her, "Forgive me for making polite conversation."

"If you must know," she mumbled, "it's Penelope."
"Penelope? Really?" I smiled up at the ceiling.

"What's your opinion on ducks?" I asked weakly.
"Excuse me?"

"You know, the bird?"

She sighed, "Your...food is here."


Penelope took her leave but was back in no time. She timidly opened my cell and stepped in with the small glass of blood, barely bigger than a shot glass, barely enough to keep me alive. I suppose my mother had never told me I could starve to death because she'd never expected me to be dumb enough to get into this situation.

"You're new, aren't you?"
"Yeah..." she answered, slowly stepping closer.

"You do realize I literally cannot move, right? I can't hurt you," I scoffed. "Even if I wanted to."

"You...don't want to?"

"I'm not a killer," I said. "I've never been. We just eat to live."

Penelope helped me sit up.

"But...you kill people, still."
"We kill so we don't end up in situations like this," I snarled.

She raised the glass to my lips and I drank it, forcing tears down. Overly sweet liquid but still the best part of my day.

Once I finished it, she slowly lowered it from my lips. I scowled.

"You don't like it?"
"It's better than nothing, but it's A-positive every day."

"You can tell?"

"That's...kind of cool," she whispered.

"You're O-negative."
"You can smell me?"

Hesitantly, I nodded.

Penelope stood up with a small smile.

"Thank you," I said.
"For what?" She asked.

"For showing me some basic human kindness," I smiled weakly.

"How long have you been here?"
"Four weeks."

"What...what did you do?"

"Fed myself and my son, helped run an illegal blood-selling business, and got an illegal tattoo," I snorted.

"You have a child?"

"I don't think I was supposed to tell you that. That's what I tell myself." I closed my eyes. "Two."

I sighed. "Do you have children?" I asked.

I could hear a soft smile edge her voice. "I have a ten-month-old."

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