🩸Birthday Gift (pt.25)🩸

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(A/N, everyone say happy birthday to Marine :) okay thanks now onto the story)

I awoke to Cleo's breath in my ear, sending chills down my spine at her raspy voice early in the morning. "Good morning, babydoll."

I stayed there, moaning softly as I rubbed my tired eyes open.

She flipped me over to face her. "Happy birthday." She planted a light kiss on my lips, I happily kissed her upper lip back. "Thanks, Cleo."

I looked at her, she had no pants on, her bralette was still on, but she'd taken off her button-up and tie. Which made sense, considering the previous night.

I tried to sit up and was met with soreness all aching in the lower part of my body.

"God..." I rubbed my head, then looked back at her.
She was simply smiling at me, innocent as ever. "You were thrilled about it last night."

"Was I sober?"

"I wouldn't have done anything if you weren't sober. But... a little tipsy perhaps." She snorted and grabbed my waist, pulling me back into her.

I let myself rest there and hummed, content in her arms.
"Did you go to sleep?"

"After what happened yesterday? Only around an hour or two. I think it was the wine."

Cleo paused, "Maybe the sex, too. You wear me out." She scoffed.
Then got up and went over to my closet, taking out a box with a little bow wrapped around it.

Cleo came back over to me and placed it on my lap.

"Are you serious?"
"You should know by now I'm always serious, my love."

I played with the bow on the top.

"I stole your phone to order it, I hope you don't mind."

"I'm still surprised you know how the internet works." I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Me too. But guessing your password was quite easy."

"What?" I turned to look at her, blush splattered across my face.

I could tell she was holding back a laugh, "1313? Are you kidding me? C is the third letter in the English alphabet, and I'm obviously your number one favorite person."

"A-are you kidding?" I stammered. "For real this time?"

"Of course, I'm fucking with you, Marine," she broke out into a sudden, genuine, laugh, "I just went through all the possible combinations."

"For a birthday present?"
"Love does crazy things to you, babydoll. I know."

Looking back down at the box, I tugged on the bow.
"You're allowed to open it," she said gently, "it's yours, my love."

"I know," I answered quietly.

I continued to fidget with the edges of the shiny green bow. I couldn't remember the last time anyone had remembered my birthday, acknowledged it, or gotten me a present. Maybe my teachers at school, but after forcing them to not make the class sing the dreaded Happy Birthday song, there was nothing more after that.

"Satan's mother, you're making me upset with that look in your eyes. Just open it, babydoll."

"Okay," I pushed a small smile out and undid the bow.
I liked how there wasn't any wrapping paper, I couldn't explain it, but it made it feel more like Cleo.

I braced myself as I pulled up against the cardboard, opening the box. Anything could be inside, I had no clue what it could be.

A small, involuntary gasp left my mouth.

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