Chapter 11

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Waking up extra early and getting all my things, I leave out the house locking it up behind me. Arriving home, getting out of my car.

Unlocking and opening the door to see Ty sitting on the couch naked eating cereal out of the box.

“Nigga, where the hell yo ass been?” He asks in an authoritative tone.

“We are getting a new couch after practice today,” I state going upstairs to my room.

After a quick workout, I go to the bathroom to take a shower. While standing under the water, thinking about how to apologize to Caspian.

Putting on my clothes, grabbing my bookbag, gym bag, and phone heading downstairs. I see Ty coming out of the kitchen, dressed.

“You ready?” He questions picking up his bags. Nodding my head in a yes motion, opening the door.

Leaving the house Ty locks up behind us. Tossing my bag in the backseat of my car when Ty comes standing beside me.

“You good?” he asks with a concerned look on his face.

“Yeah, just tired and didn't get much sleep last night. When I leave practice and make these drops and re-up, I’m going to bed.” I tell them while opening the driver’s side of the door of my car, getting in.

“Ight, I’ll see you at school, I have to make some drops before school,” Ty states walking to his car.

Arriving at school, glancing around the parking lot looking for Caspian’s car. Getting bored sitting in my car waiting for him to come. I get out heading inside of school.

Opening my locker, putting some of my books inside, arms wrap around my waist and the person’s head resting on my back. Quickly jumping turning to see who is on me.

Looking at this black girl smiling at me before speaking, “Good morning, baby I just want to know when can we fuck?”

Winking at her with a smile on my face, I respond, “Soon, ma.”

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