Chapter 16

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 Waking up to my phone ringing, reaching over and answering it, “Gem, can you please let me sleep?” I ask in an annoyed tone

“I am just calling to let you know I’ll be over soon,” Gemma states excitedly.

“It’s no need to Gem, don’t you and Colton have plans today?”

“Colton’s ass can wait. My best friend needs me. And if I see Trenton again, I am going to do more than slap him, he is getting his ass beat.”

“It’s been a week, let it go, I have,” I tell her getting out of bed.

“Fuck his manipulative ass. I’m sorry Cas.” Gemma says to me in a voice.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m just glad I found out about him before things got too deep between us. Gemma, I haven’t really slept, between the big event last weekend, school, work, and you being calling and keeping me up I’m tired. I promise you I am alright. Go be with your boyfriend. Don’t let my break-up cause a strain in your relationship,” I replied to her.

“I just don’t want you alone, right now.”

“Go have fun with Colton, I’ll be good. I call or text you if I need you to come over.”

“Promise,” she asks.

“I promise, Gem. I am going to get cleaned up, eat something, and sleep.”

“Okay, I love you.”

“I love you more, have fun, and don’t worry about me.”

“Alright, bye.” She says to me,

“Bye, Gem,” I state to her then ended the call.  

 After doing my morning routine and putting my clothes on I make my way to the kitchen. Fixing me some scrambled eggs and a small bowl of fruit I sit at the table eating and scrolling through social media.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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