• 22 • painted in red

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Two men were walking towards you.

Your eyebrows creased and lips tightened, in obvious repulsion.

Jungkook's feet planted back on the ground as he released the rod he was hanging on. His face was already hard to read, it was the coldest you had seen so far. Shivers thundered in your body as you took in the look. Rude. Blunt. Fierce. The kind of cold which made your fingers, nose, toes and body ache.

Before the impending doom befell, you indicated the cold hunk to start moving. "Let's go, Jungkook," you pressed, giving a glare to the approaching men. As you turn around and tugged his arm with you, both of you got stopped.

"Chicken out. But, we've seen you a lot of times. We know where you study."

You gulped. Why haven't I noticed such men around? Beside you, Jungkook's body was shaking. Angering up, if that's a thing. The look of dense coldness hardened, not revealing the boiling in his veins. It was just your prediction that he was angry because it wasn't showing except the tight, clenched fist highlighting the throbbing veins under the cover of intricate black. You wanted to move away fast from whoever these goons might be and kept tugging the coldie with you.

"We can take pretty girls from whoever we want," a rough voice guffawed, making a certain sort of fear bubble up in your chest that you had...felt before. This feeling, you had known all too well. You wanted to run now, whatever this was was not what you had expected to be a part of at the freaking park. Seoul had never felt safe when you came here because you were alone. An old, rusted memory was felt by you again when you heart that man say 'pretty girl'. That landlord's hands seemed to grip you again and your pulse fluttered with anxiety. It had been buried and forgotten for so long -you had tried hard to make it vanish- that when it came back it was haunting. Cigarette smoke fogged up your vision and your hand clutched on Kook's bicep. Eyes zoned out.

You thought that incident won't ever affect you again but...

The man beside you stopped, his muscles flexed. They jack up in fury. You can't afford to stop, need to keep moving but he's not budging. Your tugs don't work and you look at his face, utterly terrified. The clench of his jaw made it seem like his entire face had changed, was different like it was of some other man or devil. Low lights of the park shadowed his wicked, glowering eyes which appeared pitch dark. No compassion or emotion lurked in them.

You had never seen this man before.

Fear doubled inside your chest when you realised he was fuming mad. He was barely holding on. Probably because he didn't want to do something rash when you were present or he didn't want you to witness something gruesome. Some of his sides are better to be locked away. Yet, it was taking over gradually.

To be honest, you've always been strong. It's not your first time coming across such men or situations when people addressed you inappropriately. Sexually. You would have fucked some sense into their brains but you weren't in the mood to invite danger of any sort. Taehyung used to take up taekwondo as a kid and you've learned some of it too but...There was this sense of unrecognizable fear when they approached, reminded you of what happened when you were just a young, school-going girl. That is the reason why you stayed shut and thought it was best to move out. Otherwise, you'd have surely kicked their balls.

"The boyfriend stopped. I think he's a little mad. Cute."

"Aw, we can always shar-"

Before you know, your arm was jerked away and Jungkook growled. The animalistic sound made you walk back and gasp, your eyes widened in horror as your enraged man charged towards the goons. One of them was resting his shoulder against the rod of the pull-ups, his smile fell down immediately. Before he could process anything else, a fist was punched into his face with a ruthless force. Your horror didn't lessen as you heard the sound of Iceberg's knuckles break that man's nose with just the first blow. Perhaps that sound was of the man's nose and not his knuckles.

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