• 25 • the spring of hygge

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"Congratulations, my fellow amigos!" The student body's head girl raised her glass of beer to all the graduates. Every single person around you cheered their lungs out while you giggled and held Jimin's arm stronger.

Stars peppered the sky and under it was a raging party full of newly graduate students throwing back. Everyone who had brought their caps threw them up in the air for the second time and you saw a forever ensorcelled between those hundred caps. Decorated or black. They had each person chasing dreams and future written on it.

A stray tassel landed on your head which you brushed out as Jimin knelt down to pick up his and your cap. "This is more fun that I thought it would be! Worth coming to."

"Y/N, I can't find your cap. Help, please," Jimin said, distracted. Trying to move people's feet and other caps to find yours.

"Oh! Sorry, I'll—"

Before you could finish, a heavy, warm presence made itself known from behind and your heart thudded. Skipped beats. It can't be...

Your head snapped back to find him standing there, looking at you and only you. Enamored and besotted. Comforting and huge. He came! He was totally against us attending the party. When you left him to come here, he'd thrown a really big fit but you weren't going to listen. Some of the younger faculty members had decided to join the party, nothing bad could happen.

His heart melted even more seeing the sparkles float in your eyes. The liquid eyeliner which had used up twenty minutes seemed worth now when he saw your prettily blinking eyes looking at him, surprised.

"You're here!" You jumped and were about to turn around when you saw him holding a graduation cap. "Did you throw yours too? You should have done it w-"

The graduation cap in his hand was decorated with sparkles you had never seen before. The illustrated stickers of Olaf and Bob(the minion) on one corner told you it was indeed your cap. Your glossy eyes went over the text and everything came to a stand still. Only shallow, controlled breaths.

It read: Will you be my girlfriend?

When did he even get time to do all this...In a second? Was this planned?

You look back, appalled, to find Jimin grinning with Yoongi in the back. Yoongi came as well? Both of them were against this party. A strawberry pink smile spread on your lips.

The warm, huge man before you didn't force out an answer. He waited patiently for you to register everything he had asked for and planned. The things which had led up to this moment. The question was still splashed with anticipation before you on the cap. An eyebrow quirked up on his still face, holding heart-shattering amount of emotions.

His look told you that he'd hate to spell out what was written on the cap so you should answer fast or he'll get embarrassed and just hide.

"Oh, my..." You gulped the knot in your throat, the blushing smile still intact. "Yes, Jungkook! Of course, yes!"

Before you could throw yourself on him and give him a tight hug with an endless kiss, he went down on one knee. The students around you immediately noticed, obviously you don't find men going down on one knee at graduation parties. Your pulsating heart came to another halt and jumped unceasingly. With his crisply ironed suit buttoned and hair swept neat, he looked like the finest man you had ever saw. Well, maybe it's your prejudice but in your eyes, there's no man who can ever be so tightly bound to you as him. He's fucking knit into your days and nights. There's pieces of him scattered in your soul.

Being a novice to sweet gestures, his shoulders were tensed but everything fell right into place as soon as his dark, black swirls of galaxy met your brightly shining doe-shaped diamonds. From the couple of bracelets on his wrist, he unhooked one. Crafted with love and care, just for you. He had worn both of them so preciously, like they were a part of him. They couldn't be separated. You know he had preserved them, his life depended on it.

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