Chapter 17

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"To be your friend was all I ever wanted: to be your lover was all I ever dreamed" - Valerie Lombardo

Kaylee's POV

Today was mine and Ash's first year anniversary. I decided not to go to work today so we could spend the day together. I called the principal and he made someone work for me. Since Ash was the CEO he didn't have to call anyone. I convinced him to not go into work today so we could have the day to ourselves. He told me he already made reservations for a restaurant because he had a surprise for me.
I decided to put on a red long dress with a slit on the side and a low v neck so it shows some of my cleavage. "I forgot how hot you look in that" I turned around. "You look better" he was wearing a red and white suit so we matched. I walked over to him. I unbuttoned one of the top buttons. "Now you look even more hot" I pecked him on the lips.
When we got to the restaurant the waiter brought us to our table. Ash pulled out my chair and I sat down. He walked to the other side and sat in his. Our waiter walked to our table. "What can I get y'all to drink"
"We will take red wine" he looked at me and I nodded. The Waite walked away from our table and got our wine. "I thought you was more of a white wine girl" he said. The waiter brought back our wine and walked away again.
I handed him my glass and gave me some wine. "I now like red because of you" he handed me back my glass. "I make you like a lot more things" we clanked our glasses and took a sip. The waiter came back.
"What would y'all like to eat" he said. "I will take the angel hair" the angle hair had long, thin, and delicate noddles. With meat and vegetables. They lightly dress it with oils, butters or a thin tomato sauce.
"Ok, what would you like sir" Ash looked at me and then back at the waiter. "I will have the same thing" the waiter wrote it down and walked away. "I like some of your favorite things too" we both laughed. "So why did you want to bring me here" I said.

Ash's POV

I chose a place to take her with a nice roof top view so I could propose. "So why did you bring me here" we just got finished eating our pasta. I stood up and grabbed her hand. I walked us to the edge and looked over the edge.
"This place is beautiful" she said. "I know" I looked over to her while I said that. She looked at me. I turned us both so that we were looking at each other. "What" she said. "I love you with all my heart" I said.
"I know" I bent down on one knee. She placed the hand I was not holding on her mouth. "You take care of my kids like they are your own, and they love you" I looked down but then quickly looked back up at her. "Will you marry me?" I was scared.
She nodded her head. "Yes, yes I will marry you" she bent down and hugged me. I hugged her back. I grabbed her hand and placed the ring in her ring finger. She grabbed my face and kissed me.
We were laying on top of my car staring into the sky. "You know I always wanted to do this with someone" Kaylee said. I looked at her. "Do what" she turned and looked at me. "Lay on top of a car and look up at the stars with someone I love" she sat up and kissed me on the lips.
We got home to find Lily and Luke sitting on the couch watching tv. "Nathan and Alyssa had to leave early" I looked over at Mary. "I hope you don't mind that I let them watch tv"
"Your fine" after I said that I heard two footsteps running towards us. "Daddy and Kaylee" lily and up to me this time and Luke ran up to Kaylee. "Did he do it" Luke said to Kaylee. Kaylee lifted up he hand and showed him the ring.
"Finally, you can be my mommy" he hugged her again. Lily got out of my arms and ran to hug Kaylee. "Your going to be our mommy right" Lily said. They let go of each other. "Only if y'all want me to" she said.
"We do, we do" they said in unison. Kaylee looked at me. "What about you" I felt them all stare at me. "It's your decision" now we all stared at Kaylee.
"I would love to be y'all's mother" they all hugged each other again. Kaylee stared at me and smiled. I placed my hand on her head and pecked her forehead.
I back hugged Kaylee. The kids were asleep now we was in our shared bathroom. "I was going to ask you sooner, but I decided to wait until our 1 year" she looked at me though the mirror. "I am glad you waited, because I didn't know what I might say" she finally tuned around.
"You don't have to be there parent if you don't want to" she placed her hands on my cheek. "I do want to be there parent, but I don't want to take Samantha's spot"
"You won't" she walked away from me. "But it feels like it" she sat on her spot of the bed. I sat beside her. "She would be glad that they have someone to go to" she turned and looked at me. "Are you sure" she said. "I am sure"
"Only if you are sure becaus-" I shut her up by kissing her on the lips. "You have to believe me" I said once I unhooked my lips from hers. "I do, don't worry" we laid down and cuddled to sleep.

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