Flame Emperor Sabo Appears!

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She was walking down the hallways where her beloveth Luffy was held in, after a long discussion with the 5 elders she finally got ahold of the god-power fruit that she's been searching for a long time.

That power is about to come to good hands for this world sake, it isn't some you to play with. She smiled as the thought of possessing this power,

The power of the Sun is finally in my possession

as she heard footstep ahead of her she looked up and see it was the mice and the she cat, the she-cat was holding onto the mouse arms, as his face was flustered and red.

"Hello Cat and Mouse, have you done your part yet?" She asked and the she cat answered with a Cheshire smile "yes Imu-Sama, we killed the cook, you should have seen master-kun! He did it so cool!" She said as she blushed and stared at him with adoration. "Stop it Keneko! Your embarrassing me-chi!" The mouse squeaked.

"Wonderful... now take care of the others, I've have someone to meet." She says as the she-cat complained "awww we have more..?  But me and master was about to have a wonderful date together!" As the mouse gasped in surprised, "Keneko! W-W-What? No we don't stop making up lies!" The tiny prince mouse exclaims while being flustered.
As the cat ears went down, as she pouted "but Master-sama said so!" She whined.

"My you two are always noisy as ever, why don't you just listen to her majesty and go on to your mission?!" A male voice joined up the commotion, Imu turned to see the daemon just joining in, with his tiny horns just showing on his dark green wavy hair, his skin was the same as caramel chocolate and his pupils were dark magenta, his clothing shows a white tank top with a black bikers jacket, with glasses on top of his head, down there was his black pants with white athletic shoes, his black tail just swaying around as he spoke.

"Now shut up and go on with your jobs like her majesty told you too." He said without a care as the car hissed at him, "Adress me as your prince you moron-chi!" The mouse squeaked "yeah you have no right to talk to master-sama with your filthy daemon tongue!" The cat hissed as the daemon rolled his eyes.

Imu starts to leave the scene, she headed towards the room that held Luffy, she opened the door to a room with a open window air bleeding in and she sees him on a bed table with machines sticker around him, some scientists were surrounding around him writing down some notes as Luffy breathe huskily through the oxygen mask.

As she approach closer the scientist scurried away like scattered mice and bowed down to her, once she reaches him she started to caressed his rough face as he let out another breathe, "Is it out yet?" She turn to ask her scientist, one of them step forward.

"Not yet your greatness, we might as well start to finishing him off to get the objective right as you wanted." She frowned at the idea, as the machine beeped and she glanced at the heart monitor as it was going regularly.

Her ruby red eyes glowed through the screen, as her pupils turn to the scientist.

"Continue on with the procedure, don't extinguished the objective now, I need him alive for the next dethrone of this pathetic world." She says darkly as her heels clicked through the exit as she shut the door.


But little did she knew was that someone was listening to the whole thing outside the castle window in the same room Luffy was in, appeared a young man with golden fluffy hair, his scar scarred through his face as he was covered on brown cloak, his face mad and shock at the same time and he was Sabo,
The revolutionary army chief of staff, aka Luffy's brother. He was holding onto a baby snail transponder as a female voice called out to him.

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