Chapter 1: Welcome to ANHS

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Kiyotaka's PoV

April, The entrance ceremony. I rode the bus to school, which shook every time it went over a bumpy road. As I watched the landscape change from area to area, the number of passengers on the bus gradually increased.

Most passengers wore school uniforms. I see an adult looking frustrated early in the morning and an older woman shaking a little while standing.

That must tough for her. 

Although I was able to secure a good seat, the cold was blowing at me and the whole bus was crowded. This poor old woman has to wait for the bus to arrive at her destination. The weather is very nice today, I was actually able to fall asleep. I was about to fall asleep because the weather was so nice, but then I heard a voice.

''Would you mind giving up your seat towards this elderly woman?'' An office worker woman approached a student who was seating on the priority seat without a care in the world. He is a well built, blond student. He seems to completely ignore the woman and she is irritated by it.

''I'm talking to you. Can't you see the old woman having trouble?'' She continued, but the blonde student didn't answer her or respond. In the quiet bus, her voice became louder, attracting the attention of the other passengers on the bus.

''That's a really crazy question, lady.'' With these words his mouth opens for the first time. The blonde student may have been angry, ignorant, or perhaps brutally honest, but he just smiled and crossed his legs. ''Why should I give this seat to an old woman? There's absolutely no reason for me to give it up.''

Despite his arrogant demeanor, he didn't care what others would think of him. I feel like everyone else, including me, agreed with him, but this only caused to infuriate the office lady.

''For a high school student you're pretty cheeky don't you have any manners?'' She was visibly annoyed and glared at the student, who had a satisfied smile on his face.

''This is one crazy talk lady. I just haven't found a reason to do what you asked. And I am not obliged to give up my seat. Or maybe you're telling me to be more lively and energetic?'' With his arms crossed, the blonde man leaned on the seat and grinned broadly. 

''What, what kind of attitude is that towards your superiors!'' 

''Superior? It is obvious that both you and the old woman have lived longer than I have. There is no doubt about that. But superiority has no connection with this situation. You may be older, but that doesn't mean you're my superior.''

''Wha...! You're a high school student!? Honestly, just listen to what adults say'' 

The lady was now even more furious at his behavior, or rather, he was talking back to her, and when she tried to grab his collar, the old woman took the lady's arms.

''It's fine, It's fine... I appreciate your concern, young lady, but I'm fine.''

The office lady was upset, but the old woman didn't want to make the situation worse. She tried to calm her down with hand gestures, but the office lady continued to insult the student and looked like she was about to fly into a rage.

I really shouldn't have taken the bus... but it's already too late for regrets.

''Apparently the older woman seems to hear better than you. Oh dear, I guess Japanese society isn't completely useless yet. Enjoy the rest of your life to your heart's content.'' After flashing a uselessly refreshing smile, he put headphones in his ears and started listening to loud music. The office lady who spoke up gritted her teeth in annoyance.

His self-important attitude annoyed her as she tried to argue with him.

Personally, I was in agreement with the boy's position and, therefore, initially chose to refrain from involving myself in the matter. However, the memory of my friend's words suddenly came to mind. She had said, "Kiyo, if you help someone, good things will surely happen to you. Whether it's a big or small gesture, and if not, I will reward you myself."

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