Hirata Yosuke SS: Boys night

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A-kun: Before saying anything about where is the date chapter. The next chapter will be the date chapter. I just want to prepare something for the date chapter, so enjoy the boys night chapter first :D


Hirata's PoV

Today is Saturday and I'm more than ready for the boys' night. I've been anticipating this moment all week after all the drama, and it's exactly what everyone needs. It's always great to cut loose and have some fun, away from all the stress of school and life.

I made my way to Keyaki Mall, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and couldn't help but smile as I spotted most of my classmates already gathered there. I could see the familiar faces of Ayanokouji, Sudou, Miyake, Yukimura, Ike, Okitani, and Sotomura all huddled together in anticipation of a night of carefree revelry.

The idea of finally having some time away from the chaos of our daily lives and being able to just chill and bond with my friends was such a relief, and I couldn't wait to get started. I was ready to let go of any worries and just enjoy the moment, whatever it brought.

As I approach the group of friends gathered there, Ayanokouji greets me with his usual stoic expression. "Hey, Hirata. You are the last one." He says. 

"Last one? What about Yamauchi-kun, Hondou-kun, and Miyamoto-kun?" I asked, hoping they would make it too.

"These guys say they couldn't come as they already had plans." Ike chimed in with a shrug, and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"I see... It's a shame." I responded.

"Oh well, enough chatting! No point in moping about it. Let's get this party started!" Sudou declared, raising his right arm. "I could really use a break from all the drama from those shitty Class C guys."

We made our way to the arcade section of the mall, ready to let loose and indulge in some good old-fashioned fun. 

We walked through the bright lights and bustling atmosphere of the arcade section, taking in the sounds and visuals of the various games and machines. Sotomura was immediately drawn to the racing games, eager to show off his skills behind the wheel.

We played and challenged each other, each of us determined to come out on top. Surprisingly, it was Ayanokouji who emerged victorious time and time again. Despite his usual unreadable expression, Miyake seemed to know he enjoyed it, as they were each other's closest friend.

After a few rounds, I couldn't help but ask the question that was on everyone's mind. "You are really good, Ayanokouji-kun. Do you come here often?"

He shrugged, trying to be humble. "It's my first time in an arcade. I guess I win only by luck."

"Don't be so humble, Ayanokouji-dono. To beat me, you need pure skill... As expected of the protagonist." Sotomura chimed in, and we all laughed at his dramatic push of his glasses.

"Let's go to the shooter game next!" Ike exclaimed, and the rest of us eagerly followed him, eager to test our skills and see who would come out ahead.

As we played a few rounds, I couldn't help but notice how well Miyake seemed to be doing. His focus and accuracy were impressive, as he carefully lined up every shot and consistently racked up the most kills. I couldn't help but wonder if his archery skills were playing a role in his success.

Everyone performs well in the shooter game as there is no big difference in scores between us. But I feel like Ayanokouji held back despite his third place.

As the games continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship between us all. Despite the friendly competition, we were all having fun and enjoying each other's company. 

Feeling a bit fatigued from all the gaming, I decided to take a break and sit at a nearby table to watch them play. A few moments later, Ayanokouji walked up to me.

"Do you enjoy the boys' night?" Ayanokouji asked, and I nodded, feeling grateful for the opportunity to forget about the stresses of school and the realities of our "not-so-normal" high school.

"Yea, I enjoy it," I answered. "Hanging out like this makes me forget about things like expulsion and all the other drama that we've had to deal with."

Ayanokouji sat quietly across from me, his eyes scanning over the crowded arcade. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. His expression remained as unreadable as ever, leaving me clueless as to whether he was enjoying the boys' night or not. I didn't really know him that well, like Miyake-kun, and couldn't read him.

"What about you, Ayanokouji-kun? Your expression hasn't changed a bit all night, and I'm not sure if you're enjoying yourself or not. I'd love to hear how you feel about the evening." I asked him, curiosity getting the better of me.

He looked over at me, considering my question for a moment before responding.

"It's not that I don't enjoy the company of others," he said, his voice calm and steady. "It's just that I tend to keep my emotions to myself. If I had to describe how I feel about the evening, I would say that I appreciate the chance to relax and spend time with friends. It's a nice change of pace from the stress of school... And from a certain white-haired girl." He murmured the last part under his breath, but I was able to make it out.

I guess by white-haired girl, he must mean Kaslana Shiroi from Class A. I've heard rumors and our classmates mention that he is her childhood friend. They seem to be on good terms from what I've heard, but maybe she's just teasing him as I've heard she enjoys teasing her close friends.

I nodded in response, feeling like I had learned a little more about Ayanokouji. While he may be quiet and reserved, he still seemed to appreciate the company of others and enjoyed spending time with his friends. It was hard to read his facial expressions, but it was clear that he valued his friendships, even if he didn't express it in the same way that others might.

Our boy's night continued on to Ayanokouji's room after we were finished playing games at the arcade. As we entered, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I looked around at the bare space that Ayanokouji called "home."

I wondered if he just didn't care about having personal items in his room, or if this was a reflection of his personality. After all, we knew that he was a reserved and private person, who didn't reveal much about himself to others. The only thing that seemed to give any insight into him was his laptop, which was open and resting on the desk. I longed to take a peek and see what he was working on, but I held myself back. I didn't want to invade his privacy, no matter how curious I was.

As the night wore on, our laughter and conversations continued, our voices echoing off the bare walls of Ayanokouji's room. Despite the sense of unease that persisted in the back of my mind, it was still a fun night spent with good friends.

The time flew by, and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye and head back to our own rooms.

As I walked back to my own room, I couldn't help but hope that we could continue hanging out like this until our graduation, without anyone having to face expulsion.

The experience left me feeling conflicted about Ayanokouji. On one hand, I couldn't help but feel curious about his private life, but on the other, I knew that I should respect his boundaries. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Ayanokouji than I knew, and I looked forward to learning more about him as the school year went on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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