Chapter 7: Reunion in good and bad ways

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Shiroi's PoV

Today is May 1st and I check my point balance to see that I have a whopping 97,000 more points. I had initially expected 95,000 points, but it seems that my classmates took Arisu's words more seriously than I had anticipated. I'm starting to think I should have given the other class a few anonymous tip-offs of my own.

During this one month away from my family, I've become quite the nerd. After school, I typically go straight to my room and spend my time playing games or reading manga, watching anime until midnight. Arisu and Mei have been nagging me to limit my gaming time and threatened to delete my game account if I didn't comply.

In addition, they both have keycards for my room, which is a little strange, but at least I know they won't do anything weird in there.


As I walk into the classroom, I am greeted by the students and return their greetings. They appear to trust me more than their own leader. It's not something I've actively sought, but it's a position I find myself in nonetheless. I have no interest in leading either faction, as that would be too boring for me. Instead, I choose to remain a neutral party, someone who can move between groups without taking sides.I seem to be the most trusted person for these classes, or rather for both factions.

After taking my seat, I strike up a conversation with Arisu before the bell rings.

As Sensei enters the classroom, I notice that he looks more serious than usual, but I can't help but notice a hint of happiness beneath his stern facade. 

My classmates seem tense, likely because we were unable to earn the full 100,000 points this month. However, I am glad that the Katsuragi faction did not fully comply with Arisu's suggestions. If we hadn't lost any points, the morale of other classes may have suffered.

"So, before we begin, does anyone have any questions?" Mashima-sensei asked, addressing the class. As soon as he finished his sentence, all of the students from the Katsuragi faction raised their hands eagerly.

Mashima-sensei looks out into the crowd of raised hands, finally selecting Katsuragi. "Alright, Katsuragi, go ahead and ask your question.''

Katsuragi wasted no time in getting to the point. "Could you tell us the reason why we lost points?" He asked.

"I'll explain to you right away," Mashima-sensei said, turning to face the blackboard. He took down the previous chart and replaced it with a new one, showing the points of all classes. The other classes weren't doing too badly, but Class D, with only five points, stood out like a sore thumb.

Sensei puts up a poster on the board and shows the class points of all classes. The other classes were not bad in terms of points, but class D... They have 5 points.

I knew that hope for Class D's survival rested on the shoulders of Kiyo-kun alone. I couldn't say I really cared about the students in Class D. Yet, I also couldn't help feeling a sense of fascination, marveling at how foolish people could truly be.

As Sensei starts explaining the S-System and the reasons behind the loss of points for each class, I can sense the tension in the room rising. The Katsuragi faction, in particular, seems to be shocked, likely because they finally realize that Arisu's theory was correct.

As someone who holds Arisu in high esteem, I contemplated siding with Katsuragi, but the thought of betraying her felt like breaking a sacred bond. I knew that if I sided with Katsuragi, it would be more out of a craving for excitement than out of any sense of loyalty. In the end, I decided to stick with Arisu and support her, even if it meant losing out on a more unpredictable class environment.

Classroom Of The Elite: Excitement for the GeniusWhere stories live. Discover now