Chapter 9: Horikita siblings

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Shiroi's PoV

As I locked eyes with Horikita, I could see that she was fuming. I simply couldn't help but admire the adorable pout on her face. It was like a small, angry kitten trying to look fierce. I chuckled to myself as I continued to smile at her.

I took a moment to bask in her glare before turning my attention back to Kiyo and his friends. With a charming smile still on my face, I casually ignored the other people's stares, especially those directed towards me. Horikita's anger was like a fire in my belly, and I couldn't help but enjoy it a little too much.

As I introduced myself to Kiyo's two friends, I made sure to maintain a charming smile and friendly demeanor. I wanted to make a good first impression, after all. 

I extended a hand to each of them and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Kaslana Shiroi, and I'm Kiyo's dear childhood friend. Thank you for being such great friends to him."

The boy looked a bit nervous meeting me and introduced himself in a somewhat reserved way. "Nice to meet you, Kaslana-san... I'm Miyake Akito." he said, looking somewhat uncomfortable in my presence.

The girl, on the other hand, was full of energy and excitement as she introduced herself. "I'm Haruka Hasabe, Nice to meet you, Kaslana-chan!" she said, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she looked me up and down. 

Both of them seem like nice friends for Kiyo. I thought he might be hanging out with an open pervert as a friend based on his common sense, but it seems like he's surrounded by decent, upstanding individuals.

As I continue to sit with Kiyo and his friends, I can't help but enjoy all the teasing that's going on. Hasabe's constant needling at Kiyo brings a smile to my face as she tries to get a reaction out of him. Her eyes sparkle with mischief, and Kiyo seems to be falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

I take another bite of my food, I can't help but laugh to myself at the way Horikita is still glaring at me. Her expression is just too adorable, and the more she glares, the more it makes me laugh. It's like watching an angry kitten trying to look fierce, yet failing miserably. I simply can't take her seriously with that adorable pout on her face.

She may not actually be pouting, but it's still cute.

"Ne, Shiroi-chan. Can I taste a bit from you food?" Hasabe asks as her eyes are glued to my steaming hot meal, her mouth watering. "It just looks so delicious."

"Sure, go ahead!" I reply warmly. "I don't mind at all since I made a bit extra. Akito-kun, you can have some too." Seeing his surprise at my casual use of his first name, I continue with a light laugh, "I'm not one for formalities - we're all friends here, right?"

Both Hasabe and Akito take hesitant bites of my dish, their eyes widening as they savor each mouthful. "Wow, you weren't kidding, this is really good!" Hasabe exclaims. "You're like a culinary wizard!"

I smile brightly as I savor their praise. "It's all about balance, you know?" I say, gesturing widely. "As long as the flavors work together, the dish is sure to be a hit."

"And of course, I didn't forget about my dear Kiyo."With a bright smile, I take a meatball with my chopsticks and turn to him. "Kiyo, say ahhh~" I cooed, bringing the meatball up to his lips.

Kiyo looks at me with a mix of confusion and amusement, but he complies with my request, opening his mouth wide. I smile as I drop the meatball into his mouth, and he gives me a thumbs up to signal he's enjoyed the treat. 

"Mmm, that's good!" He comments, his eyes shining with appreciation.

"You two look like a couple~" Hasabe said with a smirk to us, and I couldn't help but giggle as my cheeks heated up.

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