Chapter 6: Memory and 1st of May

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A-kun: Little info. This Kiyotaka has had a different experience than his canon counterpart, more backstory on this will be revealed later.


Kiyotaka's PoV

...After years of intense training, I emerged as the lone survivor. The death of the children lying beside me left me numb, devoid of any emotions. Survival and victory were my sole focus, nothing else mattered.

Time and again, Professor Ayanokouji sent trained professionals to defeat me, but I emerged victorious as I had done countless times before. Their unwavering efforts to kill me were futile. I vanquished each opponent, unfazed. I also crushed all grand-masters in chess, effortlessly.

In this world, winning was all that mattered, and all people were nothing more than tools to be used and disposed of. As long as I held on to that truth and continued to win, I would survive. And if I lost, well... the consequence was death.

With my training for the day over, I settled in to read a few books in the room. But before I could enjoy some peace and quiet, Professor Ayanokouji burst through the door, followed by a blond-haired man I didn't recognize.

As my eyes scanned over the man's features, I recognized him as none other than Otto Apocalypse, a brilliant inventor who had changed the world with his cutting-edge technologies. 

While studying the vast amounts of knowledge at my disposal over the years, I had come across numerous books and articles about Otto Apocalypse, a legendary inventor whose contributions to the field of science and technology were beyond measure. His brilliance and intelligence were unparalleled, and I could tell at a glance that Otto was several steps ahead of me in terms of intellectual capacity.

As I pondered the immense depth of Otto's intellect, I could understand why Professor Ayanokouji held him in such high regard. After all, this place had been created specifically to bring forth a being capable of surpassing even the greatest geniuses, and Otto was at the forefront of this ambitious endeavor.

As Otto took in my physical appearance and demeanor, I could feel his sharp gaze piercing through me. Yet, his gaze didn't feel like a judgment, but rather a sense of curiosity and fascination. 

"He has potential," Otto stated. "At the age of 8, he already surpassed many adults intellectually and physically. I would say he truly is a masterpiece, but he lacks one critical aspect.''

"What would that be?" asked Professor Ayanokouji.

"He only sees people as tools," Otto replied thoughtfully. "As long as he continues to view others in this way, he will never reach his full potential. He needs to learn to see people as individuals, to understand their hopes, dreams, and fears. By learning to value others as living, breathing beings with their own aspirations, he can unlock a level of understanding and compassion that will only further enhance his already staggering intellect."

Otto's words left an uneasy feeling in my chest. Was I not already at my full potential? I had always thought of people as tools, just objects to be used and discarded when they were no longer useful. The concept of seeing others as living beings with their own dreams and aspirations was completely foreign to me.

Otto's gaze bore into mine, and I could sense that he knew something I didn't. His eyes were different from anyone else I had ever encountered before, as if he was looking into the very depths of my character. I tried to read his expression, but he gave nothing away.

Meanwhile, Professor Ayanokouji listened intently to Otto's words, and when he spoke, his voice was filled with respect. "If you say so, you're probably right, Mr. Apocalypse.''

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