03 : the third activity

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We exited after a clean up and he drove with me to make sure i got home safe, waiting outside for me to put my bike away and get into my house safely i shot him two thumbs up and watched him drive off because it looks cool.
I enter the house and see my ma staring at me from the kitchen door way looking like something straight out a horror movie. I didn't even flinch i just said a hello and asked if she wanted help cooking she shook her head no and I asked who else was home she shrugged and went back into the room, so I looked for my cat. Eventually finding her in her  pillowcase so i placed her on her pillow and carried her like that around the house and looked for dad finding him in his office stressing over work I simply sat on the floor next to him with a small hello, resting my cat and her pillow between my legs while i wait for him to not be busy.
"Would you like your crochet hook and project ?" He asked "This is going to take a while and couple people have to get fired." He explained so i nodded to the crochet materials and the project was a pillow for my cat !
"Edgar would you like a matching pillow case for your blanket when I'm done ?" She rapidly nodded her head rubbing all over me and purring happy as can be, i giggled and stroked her cute ass. "Who's giggling in the background?" I heard a voice coming from dad's computer and i looked up at him confused and concerned bc the person did not sound healthy, like at all.
"My daughter, whos that embezzling and stealing my fucking money like the rat they fucking are on my screen." My dad gritted leaving the man stunned as he went silent. "You're fired, call for Lorenesi and Daniella on your way out." My dad added quite clearly unhappy with the situation. He then patted my head sighing once the dude was off his screen. He pet the cat until a call came through so I took over the petting of Edgar while he cussed Daniella and Lorenesi out he left no stone unturned when it came to their mistakes. After firing those people ma called us down for dinner so i put Edgar back in my room and went down to eat with the family.
Next day !
Carpool day , so i put on my pencil skirt and white crop top and my Jordans and did my hair after a shower, and then i hated my hair so i did a half up half down. And after a long debate i decided on a simple nude eye, puppy liner, lip combo and my usual base because they arrived half way through i had to my liner and lips in the car. I missed my food already even though I finished two plates... i wonder if... "oi lets go the basketball team wants us to sit with them" seven said not allowing me to be in my head any longer so we got out and went on over to them Tyler attempted to grab my arms pull me towards him but i snatched my shit back so fast I wouldn't be surprised if his hands got carpet burn. "Uhn uhn, no, you dont have the rights to do that. Calling me a black bitch, saying i only like scamming and thug niggas, oh my bad you hit the hard r on that niggERS-" before i could cook him his own teammates swung on him they jumped him and we all got sent to iso which pissed me off, i aint even hit the nigga yet ! But free period so me and the girls recorded some tiktoks and triller videos and taking pictures and videos.
We rushed into the cafeteria during break bc we got let out early as iso was so far from the cafeteria and there that mf was sitting at our table just messing around on his phone surrounded by girls and his friends... ima cock block :D i gave the girls my order and the money and walked on over he heard my steps his head rising and then swivelling into my direction his eyes glinted with mischief all the girls moved to take every seat up before laughing trying to get on my nerves i grinned "you forgot to give something back yesterday, thanks for dropping me off after tho" i say with a wink pretending like i dont know how to whisper I attempted to turn away but he pulled me onto his lap "are you talking about these or those ?" He asked playing along shutting up the girls murmuring I slowly detached myself from him a hand on his chest "youll see later" and i waved with my fingers walking with my hips joining my girls "successful cockblock" i whisper very happy.
Waiting for lunch was boring but we ended up playing truth or dare with the boys doing dumb shit and eventually being removed from iso because we were on the teachers nerves, the wait for our next break speeding along as our scenery changed. We walk into the cafeteria once again this mf was sat in my seat on his phone grinning and typing everyone watched my movements I slowly snuck behind him "yes its my sister, butterfly you cant sneak up on me your strawberry lotion smells too good and I can notice it 5 minutes before you arrive" he said not even turning to me making me pout i sat next to him "third activity can it be activity plans ?" I ask putting my legs on his lap which he pulled into his stomach making sure they dont fall and rest comfortably "yh sure not in school tho after school ill take you home you grab your cat, oh this can also be a cat bonding experience?" He said finally glancing at me
It went as planned minus the fact that Edgar wanted out during the car ride and was pissed when I explained that she couldn't. His house was around the same size as mine maybe a room bigger, I carried Edgar In immediately being greeted by his mother, father and some others who I formally greet back Edgar only yelling to be released. Which i did only to be greeted by silence as she loafed in her crate... all that yelling fussing and fighting was for what... an orange cat was staring from the doorway "hi baby c'mere pretty kitty" i cooed at the orange cat becoming soft and treating him with more respect than his owners "he doesn't-" the cat trotted over sniffing my hand before biting me both the owner and animal are fucking pricks but my cat swatted him and hissed making him let go. I slowly pull her back and offered my hand again hoping for a different response he sniffed it some more before allowing me to pet him which i did happily
"Butterfly have you forgotten what youre here for, leave the cats and come." He yelled from the stairs knocking me out of my happy place between the two cats. He dragged me to his bedroom ignoring the cat's arguments and displeasure from the move we ended up in his room and planning.

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