10 : Cousin Nine (Unedited)

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Going to change this chapter when I can because I don't like it and feel it could be better - Cee
I woke up between my parents in their bed and hearing a whole lotta movement downstairs so, I wearing my pajama pants and dumbfucks hoodie with a tank top underneath, went down I open the living room and look around glaring looking, searching even for-

"Whats up butterfly ?" He said smiling at me sat on the sofa. I walked towards him "come cuddle baby" he said giving me soft eyes arms open for me i pretty much fell into them snuggling into him back arched so more of my body was in contact with his he hugged me cooing at me gently as i melted giving him full control of me.
"Shes mine. Ion gotta worry bout no other nigga bc you see this? She dont like touching." I felt his mischievous smirk I pressed my cheek against his 

"I bet I could have her like that in-" I sat up looking directly at dumbfuck he smiles kissing both my cheeks and hugging me. I stopped my lips just before they touched his before moving my lips to his ear 

"im hungry, lets make food ?" I say before putting my teeth on his shoulder.
We made food.
And we went back he was still wearing a shirt much to my displeasure, so i started trying to take it off of him to which he grabbed my wrists and started talking about English and as a math child myself I made noises that sounded like i was being exorcised, eventually breaking away and hiding between my brothers.

"Are you tormenting my baby ?" My ma said walking into the room wooden spoon in hand.
"Before you swing on me, it was only because she wanted to try strip me in front of all these people. She knows my body is for her and her eyes only." He said arms up in surrender.
"So you did what exactly?"
"Started talking about English Lit and Language past papers... I exorcised the little demon." 

"... anyway ima start on this seafood boil you allergic to anything? Cousin nine is coming over I can ask him to pick some stuff up on the way"

"Nah i aint allergic to nothing, can you by any chance give my butterfly back its kinda cold"
"Nope, she good where she at shouldve wore a jumper or something warmer." My brother chimed in only to be given a blank stare
"You think I have the rights to my own jumper when I'm with her ? She will rob me the moment she sees it," He states "I'm not complaining but like thats my girl I literally had to give up my wadrobe because she likes wearing and looks better in all of my shirts hoodies etc" my other brother nodded
"Yeah its like that with my boyfriend he loves seeing me wear his stuff but I like taking it so half the time he has to stop by the mall before he goes out."

Everyone looked shocked

He looked around the room "why'd you look shocked ? Have you not seen me walking with the limp or the ring or the overly big hoodies or me cuddle up to him on movie nights?" He was confused...
"I didn't think his big ass would be able to fit in your little ass" i said dude was 6'10 (an exaggeration) my brother being 6'3 was quite the bit shorter than him.
"Neither did I until he said he'll make it fit and GOLLLYYYYYYYY" he took a swing of his beer thinking back to that eventful day.
Everyone was asking who and then the man in question appeared. Sin
Ducking to enter the room his presence and aura were so strong that it was almost suffocating but it brought all the attention to him. My brother got up jumping into sins arms which wrapped around him. Sin just doing the greetings seeing the new face he looked a lil suspicious or curious "Who are you ?" Sin asked "Im Kysel , boyfriend and project partner of butterfly" he said motioning to me...
"Why she look confused?" Sin asked his hand going to his waist
"I completely forgot he had a name... i been calling him dumb fuck too long" I explain
"Butterfly...Serenity i don't understand how you manage to do this, you forgot I had a name?" I mugged the fuck outta him "was only saying your name to show i knew it butterfly." I got up and straddled him him and that stupidly cute smile appeared on his stupid face.

Ima sit on it when we married though with his fine ass.

"Baby, you remember i have my government name right ?" Sin said turning to my brother who turned away in shame "well i knew it was a thing I just couldn't remember what it was" my brother spoke quietly "you lucky nines coming in 5 minutes and i needa talk to him" sin then kissed the side of my brothers head and whispered something to him making my brother hide his face, leaving no one to say anything while dumbfuck played with my butt.

Nine pulled up his music blasting through every wall and slightly shaking our house with the bass. Music shutting down doors opening and eventually this long headed balding dreadhead with a meth loving muscular body appears his pierced face and harsh eyes cause some people to avoid eye contact.
"Cousin nine !" I wave and smile at him. He visits once a month I don't always see him cause its at random, he nods to acknowledge me straight faced before turning to sin and they leave.

I then realise his hands are on my ass and im straddling the man, nine wouldn't like him for that so i scooted up so i was chest to chest with him nine walking in as i became extremely affectionate with my dumbfuck who reminded me that i was the one waiting til marriage, who hates pda, hates being affectionate and then tossed me to the side

 "are you in heat or something you being mad loving and clingy as hell" cousin nine said as he lifted me saving the dumbfuck who immediately covered the tent i had caused "no not yet, now let me go back hes warm" i whine and huff reaching for my man he just tossed me to my brother "you have to deal with this often?"
"Nah just started when i... what day is it ?" He checked his phone "oh... butterfly pick a movie youre due today" I wrestled out of my brothers arms and we t straight back to dumbfuck and I felt the first pain. That bitch folded me. He picked me up holding me against him as picked up the stuff i need before i pass out, throw up or have to be held so i dont hurt myself and end up in hospital also for when i change my pad.

"Wheres my dumbfuck ?" I ask slightly saddened as he wasn't at my side and then he came out the bathroom and he climbed into bed with me kissing my cheek and snuggling with me.

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