III. I Enjoyed It

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  Chapter 3,
    I Enjoyed It

   As police sirens sounded throughout the neighborhood, Daphne stood sat, legs crossed in front of her therapist. She didn't want to be here at the moment, considering that tonight was Halloween, meaning anything and everything could happen. The young woman hated having to go to her sessions but she knew that this would bring her a step closer to sanity, something she lost last year.

  "So how are the new medications been for you, Daphne?" Dr. Stone asked, as he clicked his pen and looked up at her.

  "I'm pretty sure that they're working. Still not seeing people or things that aren't there." Daphne responded as she shrugged her shoulders, looking off to the side as she tried to recall if there were any moments of Billy.

  As Dr. Stone wrote this down, Daphne began to ramble about Mika and her safety as the girl refused to go to therapy. Seeking help was only going to make Mika believe she really is fucked in the head. 

  "I know your concerns about your sister, but Daphne, I am more concerned for you. You have been coming here for about six months now, and all we talk about is how your sister is dealing with this whole ordeal. Instead of you." 

  Daphne nodded her head slightly, as her therapist began to dig deep into her, bringing up her relationship with her deceased father and how she refuses to go into detail. 

  "I have trust issues." Daphne stated as she glared at the older man, deep down, she knew she shouldn't nor have to tell anyone about her life or relationships with anybody.

  Once the clipboard was set aside, Daphne sat up and decided to tell him everything that had happened last year. From reuniting with her younger sister to having to kill her now ex-girlfriend who wanted to kill her and everyone that knew them for a movie. 

 "Well how were you able to stop your girlfriend?" Dr. Stone asked as he looked at Daphne, he didn't feel comfortable saying kill, but she got the gist.

  "Well, I stabbed her twenty-two times and then slit her throat. After that, I shot her in the head to make sure she was dead and that there was no coming back." Daphne spoke softly, watching as Dr. Stone's facial expressions changed drastically.

  "But that isn't the reason as to why I'm here, Dr. Stone." Daphne looked into her therapist's eyes as she contemplated on whether or not she should say what she is about to say.

  "Well then why are you here, Daphne?" He asked, as he took a deep breath, his chest tightening out of fear of the next words.

  "I enjoyed it, every single slash." Daphne confessed as tears stung her eyes, causing her to blink rapidly, not wanting the tears to fall.

  Dr. Stone looked at the girl and shook his head, before telling her that this had to be reported to the authorities. Daphne shook her head right back at him, she was not a cold blooded murderer, she defended herself and her sister.

"Report what? I didn't say that I was going to leave and start killing everyone!" Daphne was starting to anxious.

  "Not explicitly, no." 

  Daphne didn't want to stick around anymore, she had clearly overshared and made the person uncomfortable to the point where they thought notifying the police. She grabbed her jacket and purse and rushed out of his house. If you thought the weight on her shoulders were lifted, then you were wrong, it only weighed more.

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