XII. Fear of Heights

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  Chapter 12,
    Fear Of Heights

 Mika, Mikaela, Camden, and Alaska joined Daphne at the dinner table to comfort her, she didn't deserve to be hated in the ways that she was. Aurora stood in the living room, watching the rest of the news, staying alert just in case. 

  "I am so lucky to have you guys." Daphne smiled as her lip quivered, even though she felt like she had failed at everything in life, they managed to make her feel as if she was succeeding. 

  "Well we are the Alive fucking Five." Alaska smiled, Camden looked at his twin sister all excited, as he didn't think she would use the nickname.

  "Thank you so much!" The boy excitedly raised his hand, to get a high five.

  "Ah, I hate myself." Alaska responded as she gave him a high five, deep down she enjoyed the nickname, and she loved her twin brother.

  Alaska and Camden's bickering was always going to be out of love, because in the end, they knew that they would die for each other. Daphne's smile faded a bit, as she looked over at Mikaela, there was one small secret that needed to be shared with the group and now was the time to share it.

  "I've been sleeping with the cute boy from across the hall." Daphne confessed, enjoying the relief she felt as she finally told her secret.

  It was a little quiet before everyone began to cheer and talk about how they knew it all along, however, if the group wasn't so caught up in their conversation, they would have heard Riley's screams and pleads for help. The screams and pleads only Danny heard, as he tried to warn the girl, but couldn't get her attention in time before it was too late. Danny noticed Ghostface before Riley did, and opened up his window to try to rescue the girl.

  "Hey, yeah. Wassup bitch!" Danny shouted from his window, causing the ghostface to look up from Riley, and tilt his head. Trying to get Riley's attention was no use, so he tried to wave for Daphne, but that was also useless.

  Rushing to his phone, Danny called Daphne, if he couldn't rescue Riley then there would still be time to save not only his girlfriend, but his girlfriend's sister and their friends. However, Mika grabbed the phone and started to tease her older sister, causing Daphne to decline the call, stating she would call him back later. After a few minutes, Riley's grunts and groans could be heard from her room, but they weren't of pleasure like the group thought.

  Soon, everyone got the same notification of Riley's dead, bloodied body, and the bang of the bedroom door got louder. The group rushed out of the living room and stared at the room, it went silent for a second.

  "Run." Alaska stated before the door was slammed open, as Riley's body was thrown on top of Aurora.

  Camden freaked out and grabbed Mika and Mikaela's hands as they were two closest to him, he practically dragged the two out of the apartment and down the stairs. Ghostface appeared at the doorstep and looked straight at Alaska, causing the girl to mutter profanities as he rushed over to her and slashed at her arm. Aurora got into her fight or flight mode, and grabbed ghostface by his leg, trying to keep him away from her.

  Not knowing what to do, Aurora bit into his leg, digging her teeth deeper everytime he tried to shake her off. Daphne got up and rushed to the kitchen, in search of knives but was confused when they were all gone. With quick thinking she grabbed the knife holder and rushed back out, only to see Aurora be held up by her throat with a knife deep into her stomach, as it begun to gut her.

  Alaska got up, as Daphne slammed the knife holder onto the killer's head, Aurora's screams were horrifying. Mika was the only one to notice that nobody else was following the three out of the apartment and rushed back upstairs. Alaska, Daphne, and Aurora rushed into Riley's room and slammed the door shut before pushing the dresser onto the door.

  Danny noticed them and rushed to his window, sliding it all the way up and grabbing his ladder. Mika couldn't get back into the apartment without her keys, and the worst thoughts consumed her as Camden grabbed her hand and rushed down the stairs.

 "Daph, you go first!" Alaska screamed out in agony as she held onto her shoulder, which was bleeding profusely.

  Daphne took a moment to mentally prepare herself before going on the ladder, she was afraid of falling from such a huge height but she needed to get across, and get back to her sisters. 

 "Baby keep your eyes on me, you're almost there." Danny outstretched his hand as he watched his girlfriend crawl across the ladder, and move closer towards him.

  The bedroom door was almost broken down, Alaska got up from the bed and looked at her girlfriend, Aurora wasn't looking too well. 

  "I'll be right behind you Las, right behind you." Aurora stated as she forced herself up from the bed.

  Alaska nodded her head and got on the ladder, crawling across before she was pulled into Danny's apartment. Aurora got onto the ladder but she was in too much pain along with fear, it didn't help that ghostface was right behind her, shaking the ladder.

  "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" Aurora screamed as she got to the middle of the ladder, Alaska tried encouraging her but it was far too late.

  Aurora lost her balance with being shaken too much and fell down off the ladder, slamming her head down on the garbage bins before finally slamming down on the concrete pavement. The sad part is that Aurora felt all of the pain, and didn't take her final breath for a moment, she died staring at the sky.

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