VII. Taken In For Questioning

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   Chapter 7,
    Taken In For Questioning

  Mika fell asleep happily, thinking about the moment she had shared with Camden, she was hoping that maybe their friendship would blossom into something more. Even if it would be a distraction for them both, it would have been helpful. Daphne however, was sitting on the steps of her apartment, waiting for something, or perhaps someone.

  It was already pretty late at night, but Daphne didn't care, she had been through a lot her whole life and shit was only getting worse. What caught her attention was when the cute boy from the window walked into the apartment complex, causing them to make eye contact. It felt like eternity before Daphne got up from the stairs and walked by the cute boy.

  It all happened so fast though, one minute she walked past him and in the next, Daphne is pinned against the cold wall, making out with the boy she had found attractive for months. No, you're not dreaming, the secret is that Daphne and the cute boy had been hooking up for quite some time now. The relationship is being kept a secret because Daphne wasn't ready for anyone to know yet.

  There was a sound coming from upstairs that startled Daphne and made her pull away, she didn't want to be caught making out with the boy she's been pining for quite some time.

  "Careful, someone might see us." Daphne muttered, causing the boy to chuckle as he moved away from her, respecting her wishes. 

  The girl wished she didn't have to panic every time she heard a sound whenever she was around her secret boyfriend, in fact, it did hurt her to have to keep him a secret, even from her sister. However she did it not only for her safety, and her sister's safety, but for his safety, knowing she was practically marked for dead and was a walking, talking target for the new ghostface. What Daphne didn't know was that her boyfriend did not care about getting hurt when he was with her, instead, if he had to choose between saving himself or saving her, he would choose her. 

  "You always say the most romantic things." Her boyfriend joked, as he moved over for the person who had just walked into the apartment, to get past.


 "What?" Danny asked, looking behind him to make sure nobody else was around.

  "Can I help it if my kink is 'woman who's ashamed to be seen with me'?" Danny teased once more, causing Daphne to smile slightly before telling him her worries.

  After a bit of a back and forth banter, Camden came out of the apartment and shouted for Daphne to get back upstairs, something about being on the news. The murders were revealed, and it didn't take long for Detective Bailey to get on the phone with his daughter.

  Mikaela stood there in shock as she watched the news, Miles sat beside her, glancing at her every so often. The girl sent a smile his way when she finally caught him staring at her, but some things can always be interpreted the wrong way. It was silent for a moment before Daphne's phone rang, causing everyone to tense up and look her way, some gaining flashbacks more than others.

  Daphne didn't risk it and just declined the call, but since Miles wasn't apart of the group last year, he had to be the one to ask the stupid questions.

  "How come everyone got scared and silent when her phone rang?" Miles questioned, Alaska rolled her eyes in annoyance as Aurora informed him quickly about the phone ring scare.

  "You gotta keep up, my dude." Aurora finished, as she scoffed before looking over at Riley who was still on the phone with her father.

  Miles looked down a bit, feeling foolish and stupid for asking such a question, but Mikaela placed her hand on his knee and smiled.

 "I can give you the full details tomorrow morning, can't leave a friend hanging." Mikaela smiled, causing Miles's cheeks to tint a light pink.

  "Daph, my dad wants to talk to you." Riley spoke out as she handed the older girl her phone.

  Daphne mentally screamed and broke everything in the apartment when she was told that she was needed at the police station. This is bullshit, all of it.

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