XIX. Getting Separated

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   Chapter 19,
    Getting Separated

 The group decided to take the subway as it was probably the fastest transportation, the problem was that every single person in the subway was dressed in costumes. Normally that wouldn't be an issue but people are dicks, so they dress up as ghostface to scare the fuck out of their friends, families, significant others or the survivors themselves. Danny was getting a little nervous but he wanted to tag along anyways, he needed to make sure Daphne and her sisters were going to be safe.

   "Is this even a good well thought out plan?" Miles finally asked, the question had been sitting in the back of his brain for a good while, but he knew if he didn't ask now he would probably die.

  "You don't have to come if you don't want to." Mika responded as they walked down the stairs, just their luck, the subway was packed to the brim.

  Not even trying to be funny, everyone and their mother was up in the subway station, almost as the buses and taxis don't exist and work just as fine as the subway. 

 "So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? Yeah, no thanks." Miles retorted as he held onto the railing.

  Mikaela rolled her eyes, this was not about him, even though he didn't specifically say that he did not want to die, it was obvious in his tone. It was true what Mika said, if Miles did not want to tag along then he could have gone home, he isn't very much helpful in this plan anyways.

  "Let's get to the theater. Come on, in here." Daphne informed as she watched the train they needed come to a full stop.

  Mikaela and Mika held hands, Mika sending her usual two squeezes as Mikaela sent back her three squeezes. As the group got off the steps and tried to get to the train, it felt like someone had yanked Mikaela away from Mika. 

 "Mika!" Mikaela shrieked as she watched Daphne, Mika, Danny, and Camden get onto the train without noticing they were missing the other half of the group.

  "Shit, Kae!" Mika shouted as she finally noticed that Mikaela, Miles, and Alaska were stuck outside of the train.

  "We'll catch the next one." Alaska whispered to Mikaela, as she grabbed her hand comfortingly, she knew how scared Mikaela got whenever she got separated from her sisters.


  Once the next train arrived, Mikaela held tightly onto Alaska, not letting her go even if she was cutting off the blood circulation. The twin girl had gotten the creeps from Miles and told him he needed to stay the fuck away from them, Mikaela didn't go to argue or defend him, but crossed her arms firmly. Miles didn't argue with the girls but instead raised his hands and nodded his head, keeping his distance from the two girls.

  Not like that did much, once the train began to move, something happened. There was a ghostface on the train, and it was only moving closer to the two girls. 

  "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Alaska asked the girl beside her, who was frantically trying to get a signal to text Mika or Daphne.

 The train sounds from outside were quite loud, it drowned out Alaska's words, it didn't help that there were loud teens on the train. Mikaela only realized something happened to Alaska when she gripped her shirt as she slowly slid down the subway wall.

  "Shit! Alaska!" Mikaela shrieked as she held onto her stab wound, when the train came to their stop, the people who had crowded them and blocked them from Miles's view cleared out.

  The boy looked over and noticed the two girls, he rushed over to them and helped Mikaela grab Alaska, and get her out of the train. This would have never happened if the group stood together, and did not get separated. Nothing ever goes as planned.

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