XVI. Randy Meeks Dupe

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    Chapter 16,
     Randy Meeks Dupe

  Miles was left feeling a bit foolish and upset with himself, how could he fall in love with someone who is still hurt from the loss of her boyfriend, and how was he ever going to compete with him? Deep down, he knew the answer to his questions but he didn't want to accept it. A part of him wanted Mikaela to like him, even if it was a distraction, he just needed her to want him, need him, and desire him the way he wants, and needs, and desires her. His thoughts were interrupted by Kirby and Mika telling him they have a small plan on how to turn the tables on ghostface.

  Even though Gale was up for the plan, Kirby wanted to be petty and tell her she couldn't come, considering this is a police matter and not a press matter. As much as Gale wanted to argue with the younger girl, she kept her mouth shut and nodded her head. Soon, the group made it to the park, Kirby, Mikaela, Miles, Alaska, and Camden were in a van, while Mika and Daphne wandered around the park with Wayne.

  Alaska was a little bit sour on the fact that she and her twin brother were in a van, as it reminded her of how her uncle had died. She didn't miss a beat to bring it up, knowing that this was the worst idea they could have ever had.

 "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies?" Alaska asked, she was not excited to see this plan fail right before her very eyes. 

 Unlike his twin sister, Camden had faith in Kirby, and he knew that something was bound to go right with their plan, even if a million things go wrong. Alaska was filled with doubt, she knew that this was all bullshit, she didn't even believe Kirby when she told her that she could trace a call under fifteen seconds. If Alaska didn't retaliate, Camden would have punched her in the arm and given her a glare. 

  "What, so you think because it's broad daylight that they're automatically safe from anything that could harm them?" Alaska asked, as she sat up in her chair.

   Miles felt out of place, as he watched Mikaela look everywhere in the van but him, she even went as far as to sit next to Camden instead of him. He knew that he had probably pushed too much for her liking, and made her feel a type of way.

  "This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight. Public place. Yanked into a vam. Stab. Stab. Stab. No more Uncle Randy." 

  You could see a small vein pop out of Alaska's neck as she said this, although she didn't get a chance to meet her uncle, she knew that she loved him deeply. Kirby was a little bit in shock as she heard this, but stood silent. Camden looked at Alaska with a glint of worry in his eyes, he knew that his sister was always so upset over Randy's death but he didn't know she was this upset. Miles slowly pushed the bag of Cheetos that he was snacking on towards Camden, which Camden did grab a few.


  Their plan was going smoothly, ghostface did call and Kirby was able to get a trace on where the call was coming from. The plan went a little bumpy after that considering the call wasn't near any of them, meaning he was far away from here. Daphne was confused with the coordinates that were given to her until she realized where the killer was, Mika understood the luck on her sister's face.


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