8.Changing Opinions

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(Life doesn't come with a manual,it comes with a mother💕)

After about three weeks when they found a nanny for Ansh, Avantika left to her daughter's home,but not before indirectly warning the couple not to shift rooms in her absence.

Kunj and Twinkle got used to living like roommates.He had to admit that living with Twinkle in the same room didn't feel as intolerable as he thought it would be.Twinkle was very careful in her actions when Kunj was around,that most of the times he wouldn't even realise her presence in his room.He was glad that she knew her role and place in this house that was nothing more than his son's stepmother.She didn't talk to him unnecessarily and whenever she do she would keep it short and precise.

If he didn't think about her that she also didn't give a damm to him.But deep down in her heart she started falling for him.

Twinkle would take care of Ansh's every need. She prepared meals,bathed him,fed him and took care of him just like his mom would have done.It took a few days for Ansh to get adjusted with his nanny but every morning they left home ,he would made a fuzz and Twinkle's heart would hurt to leave him crying like that.

It became a new routine for Kunj to drop Twinkle college before leaving for his work.After returning home she would try to spend all her time with Ansh and would do her college work late in the nights, only after putting Ansh to sleep.

On Friday morning, Kunj was laying down on couch when he heard Ansh's groggy voice.He lifted his head from couch and saw his son making his way out of his room.

Ansh,i am here,Kunj stretched his hand but Ansh went inside the kitchen after glancing at him for few seconds.

'Twinky',Ansh called softly and began searching her in the whole house starting from kitchen.

K-Twinkle is not here.He got up went behind Ansh.'She is bathing '.

Listening this Ansh made his way into their room.
He started tapping on the bathroom door calling Twinkle,'Twinky'

K-Come here kiddo.
He tried to carry him but Ansh wriggles out of his hold and continued tapping on door.

Twinkle opened the door wearing a crop top and black leggings .
T-Good morning my baby.You woke up so early today.She kissed his cheek and carried him on her hip and wiped her hairs with other hand

T-Good morning Kunj.
She greeted him and walked past him into the kitchen.
Her fresh vanilla scent hit his nostrils and melted him like a wax.He stopped himself from following her and went inside bathroom.

When Kunj came down after getting ready,he saw Twinkle carrying Ansh in one arm and flipping omlette with other hand
When Kunj tried to take Ansh he refused to get away from Twinkle

K-Let me help you with this.
He started making omlette


She bathed Ansh and made him wear fresh pair of clothes then she got ready herself.She fed him before his nanny came to take care of him for rest of the day.

Kunj drove Twinkle to her college and Alisha was standing there at gate as usual waiting for Twinkle.She waved at Kunj when she saw him and he gave her curt nod.His eyes travelled to a handsome,tall guy standing beside Alisha.His eyes sparkled and a smile came on his lips as he saw Twinkle.

Hey,he waved at her with a million dollars smile

Hi,she greeted him with a beautiful smile which Kunj had never witnessed in their 'togetherness'
You aren't together, his inner voice mocked him

He didn't miss the innocent blush on Twinkle's already pink cheeks.She walked away with that guy and Alisha on her other side.She was so involved with the guy that she even forgot to say her usual 'thanks' to Kunj and it jabbed his heart .

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