10.Starting of Love💝

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The same morning Kunj drove Twinkle to her college.During the whole drive she was silent and it was nothing like her usual silence.

With Tara the situation was very different.Whenever he did something she would be mad at him or argued many times till he didn't apologise to her but Twinkle's approach was not like Tara.He didn't understand how can someone could be so unreactive to a situation and still managed to affect you deeply.He had never screamed at a woman before.He had tried to apologise to her for a few times at home but she just said it was okay but he knew he hurt her really very badly.

When the car stopped Twinkle got down muttering a 'thanks' and again it was not like she used to say everyday.Kunj was about to start the car when he saw the guy from the other day carrying that annoying grin on his face .Kunj turned his eyes towards Twinkle to see her reaction and as expected a small smile became visible on her plum lips.

They both were young and even looked good together.He was giving her all the attention that Kunj couldn't give her and it will take him a few seconds to make Twinkle fall in love with him.A sudden sense of panic grew in Kunj.

Kunj didn't think twice before he hopped out of car and stood in front of Twinkle.She was surprised with his sudden intrusion and stared at him with her innocent eyes.

Kunj could feel the presence of that guy behind him.He wanted to show him that Twinkle belonged to him and unfortunately how much ever handsome the guy was,he had no say on her.

T- What's wrong?
She broke the silence

Kunj moved forward and touched her cheek running his knuckles over her soft skin.She resisted the urge to close her eyes and give into his touch but reminded herself how he had reacted the previous night.She tried to pull back from him but he was fast enough to grab the nape of her neck , pulling her even more closer than before.Twinkle's breath hitched with their close proximity.

K-I am so sorry for what i did last night.
He apologized once again sincerely.He
truly wanted Twinkle to know how guilty he was feeling.

'Its ok, Twinkle said in a whisper.
From the corner of her eyes she could see a lot of people staring and giggling at them.Though many of them knew Twinkle was married ,this felt quite awkward.Also she could see Yuvraj studying her keenly.

K-No it's not okay.He shook his head in self disappointment.What i did was not okay.I was a jerk to you last night
I let out my anger and frustration on you last night, which was totally wrong.So , will you forgive me Twinkle?His hand was back on her cheek cupping it gently.

She couldn't say anything and just stared at him.After a few minutes she took a long breath and then her lips curved into a beautiful smile,'I forgive you '

She heard him let out a huge sigh of relief.
K-Thanks for forgiving me.
Then she saw that breath taking smile on his lips which she witnessed Last night ,but now it was really radiated towards her unlike last night.

When she heard Yuvraj clearing his throat,she pushed Kunj farther in an attempt to put some distance between them and he let her go this time.

T-Um... Kunj...this is my friend,Yuvraj.
Kunj turned around and acted as if he had no idea that he was standing there.

K-Hlo Yuvraj, I'm Kunj, Twinkle's husband.He wound his arm possessively over her shoulder and claimed proudly.He didn't miss that look of annoyance oh his face and mentally hi-fied with himself.
Twinkle stood there frozen, trying to process his words.In all these five months they spent together ,it was first time he was admitted to someone that he's her husband.

Y- Hi ,nice meeting you Kunj.
He said pressing his lips in a thin line

Kunj looked down at Twinkle who was gawking at him.
K-See you , jaan.He winked at her making her heart flutter.

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