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Every girl that Yuvraj ever met ,threw themselves at him and then there was Twinkle who totally refused to go out with him.Alisha was the only one who said she has feelings for him yet didn't try to impress him in anyway.

It was surprising to him that he had never seen her in it that way until the day she confessed her feelings to him but the moment he got to know,he couldn't take off his mind from her.

He had to admit that she looked cute when she was mad at him.He had played around with many girls for so long but now it was time to do the serious relationship thing.He knew she wasn't the time of fool around like other girls that he had dated before and she hadn't been with anyone before.He was just looking for the right time to talk to her.

On the last day of the camp,he felt a bit hot in his room and he decided to come out for some fresh air.Walking towards the lawn, he saw Alisha sitting on one of the benches in the lawn.If he missed this chance he might never get one,he thought.He didn't waste any other minute and walked towards her sitting on the bench beside her.When she saw sitting him beside her ,she almost lost her breath.With her furrowed eyebrows she prepared to get up but he held her hand.

Uv- Can we talk?

Alisha glanced at him for some seconds before sitting down again without any protest.She could swear that she saw a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

Uv- It's a clear sky night, isn't it?
He said looking up in the sky and Alisha couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

A-Yuvraj, what is it you want to tell me?I don't have the whole night.
She said being annoyed

Uv-Ok ,ok, chill tigress.He chortled shifting so that he was facing her now.He sighed a few times before starting.
'Alisha,i swear i am pursuing Twinkle anymore .I am aware that she is married and has a loving family but i am sorry if I made you think that way'
He said and Alisha could see honesty in his eyes.
'And i had no idea that you had feelings for me' .That was when things became awkward all of a sudden.

A(internally)- Great now he is going to make me more embarrassed and uncomfortable than before.
She looked everywhere but at him.She felt like she was going to die of shame and wanted to smack herself
for ever revealing it to him.

' I must have been really stupid for admitting it to him.He is definitely going to say sorry and that he doesn't have feelings for me.'

Uv- I had no feelings for you, Alisha cut him off.

A- I know you don't like me more than a friend and it's ok, Yuvraj.So, is that all?Can i go now? She began to walk away trying to keep her head down but yelped when he pulled her down again.

Uv- I am not done here, Alisha.He was somewhere becoming irritated with her constant haughtiness.
Listen to me fully before you jump into conclusions.

There faces were just an inch apart and all she could think about is his masculine scent that was hitting her nostrils.

He noticed the tears that were brimming in her eyes.He felt intense hurt as he looked at her.He held her face between his palms and brought her even more closer.

Alisha's heart was beating ten times faster than normal.The voice in her head asked her to run but that was impossible as Yuvraj was holding her tightly.

Uv- It's true that i didn't think of you more than a friend at that time but these few weeks have been really hard for me after you confessed your feelings.
He loosened his hands from her face.
She didn't know if she was relieved or sad when he finally let go of her and moved away slightly.

Uv- If you...still feel the same about me then i would like to ask you to date me.

Her mouth gaped with awe at that and her heart was thumping crazily at her chest.She felt dizzy as the rush of hormones engulfed around her.She cleared her throat few times before saying anything.She wanted to agree to him immediately but then thought it would make her look very desperate,he decided against it.

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