24.We will fight for him

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Twinkle returned to their room after the heated conversation with Kunj.She urged herself to think and understand from his prospective.She knew that no man would be able to deal with such a betrayal from his wife but it was the harsh reality that he needed to accept.

Staying with him for the last eleven months,she understood him better than anyone else.He wasn't an unkind and stone hearted person as he was trying to show himself lately.She was certain that whatever words came out of Kunj's mouth,were not from his heart. His previous behaviour was a mere outcome of his broken and shattered state of mind.He was depressed with the fact that his beloved wife had cheated on his and he needed time to nurse his own wounds.

Even though he tried to but he would never be able to hate Ansh,she knew it deep down within her heart.She had witnessed his unconditional love for him many times. Whatsoever may be the reason,he would never be able to hate Ansh nor would his love suddenly disappear into thin air.

It was late afternoon when she walked into Ansh's room.She stopped on her tracks seeing Kunj sitting on the bed with Ansh in his tight embrace.She didn't expect him to be present there but her frail heart warmed instantly and felt like a hundred flowers blooming within.

Kunj felt her presence behind him and turned back.His composure was rigid but his emotions were crystal clear in his eyes.She could see how miserable he was feeling for treating Ansh so badly.Her hands desperately itched to wipe that guilt off his face and tell him that it was okay, but she hesitated to go near him.

He stretched his hand in front of her to take it. As much as she wanted to show anger towards him,she was incapable of expressing anger on Kunj.Slowly but steadily she went near him.He grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her down to sit beside him.She watched as Ansh was sound asleep in his arms.

She kept her eye level down and combed back Ansh's short bangs that was falling on to his forehead.They both were quiet for a while.
Kunj was studying all her moves silently.It hurt him when she didn't bother to look at him and continued to caress Ansh's hair but he knew, if someone was to be blamed for her reactions,it was no one but himself.He decided to end the deafening silence.

K-Twinkle,I swear I didn't mean any of those words which I spoke earlier...
He grasped her palm and gently press, urging her to look up. When she raised her eyes,she saw so much regret in his eyes.
"Everything around me is so messed up that I couldn't think straight.I couldn't take Tara's betrayal lightly and felt like an idiot for believing her so blinding.But I know that isn't enough reason for behaving rudely with you and Ansh.I am sorry for that and a hell lot of things."(the night when he was drunk)
His face fell down and she knew what exactly he meant by that.
"Will you please forgive me, Twinkle."

She had already forgiven him in her mind the moment she saw him hugging Ansh.She knew that she had managed to pull him out of dark pit of despair that he was in.She was just glad that he was back to his senses and his true self.She didn't speak anything but forgive him with a slight nod of her head.

He huffed in relief but he understood that he had hurt then both greatly and an apology wasn't enough to mend Ansh and Twinkle's heart. He brought her hand against his closed eye and felt the warmth that radiated from it. Then he slowly brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand softly.

He touched her cheek and his gaze on her intensified the black colour of orbs turning into a shade darker. All the previous frustration had melted away from his eyes and he could think more clearly. He looked at Twinkle with soft and tender eyes, exhibiting his love and affection for Twinkle.He wondered how such a pure and gentle soul could exist amidst this cruel world and more importantly, how she ended up with him.

She never fail to amaze him with her kind and gentle heary. She was so precious and all that he desired at that moment was to protect her and make her happy. His love for Twinkle had grown tenfold in the course of time, which he didn't know how made up his mind that he would tell her how much he loved her soon, maybe when all this got over. He wanted to make it special and memorable for both of them.

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