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Dominic froze, after hearing what his daughter said to him, he slowly looked down at his bambina. She loves him. She said she loves him!
(His baby)

He was jumping with joy. His baby, his only daughter in the family loves him! He was over the moon.

He knelt down and hugged his daughter, gently placing the box down and hugging her tightly. "I love you too bambina" he whispered back.

When Nadia released from the hug, she said she was going to have a quick shower and then come down for dinner. Dominic smiled gently at his daughter before walking out of her room.

He walked back down to the kitchen and smiled at his wife, she looked up to him with a confused look on her face. Wanting to know why he was so happy?

"Why are you smiling so much?" She laughed before her husband gently grabbed her hand and started dancing around the kitchen, Noelle was still confused but was happy with how happy Dominic was.

"My bambina said she loves me" Dominic smiled. And for a mafia don, he was very happy. Noelle smiled at him gently and they continued dancing around the kitchen.

Nadia is trusting people.

Soon enough everyone was down for dinner. They all sat together in the dining room. But no one spoke to him? Dominic looked around at everyone and saw they all had the same look.

Guilt was covering all the boys' faces. Especially Alexei and Noah. But no one dared to speak a word about what happened.

Except for Nadia, she looked scared. She didn't want her parents to find out because she didn't want her brothers to get into trouble for something they didn't do.

She walked in at the wrong time, they thought it was another brother.

"Anyone want to tell me what happened?" Dominic asked, the boys looked at each other and then back to their food.

Once again silence. No one wanted to speak.

"Boys?" Noelle asked, now noticing the change in the atmosphere, once again, the boys said nothing. This worried the two parents.

"Can someone please tell me what is happening?" Dominic asked-demanded, wanting to know what is going on. He didn't like his kids keeping secrets from anyone.

He thought it was plain disrespectful.

"We may have scared Nadia by accident" Noah said shyly. Dominic looked over to Noah and Alexei. He sighed and made a hand movement to keep going.

Which they did.

They explained how they thought it was one of the boys and jumped out on her, not realising it was Nadia, she screamed and jumped back in fear. Which made them feel guilty.

"It's ok though, they apologised and I forgave them" Nadia said with a small smile. She looked scared but Noelle and Dominic trusted her. But he was going to give out to his boys about not to scare her.

Even if it was unintentional.

Once dinner was over, they all went to the movie room, the boys wanted to watch a movie and Nadia joined them. Dominic and Noelle cleaned up the dining room.

"I love our kids, but I seriously worry about them" Noelle said with a small laugh. Dominic agreed and laughed as well.

"I'm glad my kids are getting along, I was scared the boys wouldn't like her" Dominic explained. Noelle nodded her head and walked over to Dominic, slowly placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't know their children were standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at their parents act like teenagers in love.

Before it could go further, they heard gagging coming from the door of the kitchen. They pulled away from each other and saw their kids gagging while Eli covered Nadia's eyes.

Nadia giggled and tried to move Eli's hand, but couldn't and kept giggling. Eli chuckled and left his hand there for as long as he could, he knew it wouldn't bother her, he just liked to bug her.

Everyone was too focused now on Nadia than what was happening before. Her giggles were adorable, her entire family was in awe because she was happy and she wasn't faking it.

Once Nadia got Eli's hand away from her face, she looked around at everyone and saw them looking at her. She got nervous as to why everyone's eyes were on her as of right now.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" She asked gently, she knew she didn't do anything wrong so she wouldn't get punished-even though her family would never do that. Or that's what she hoped.

"Your laugh is adorable piccoletto" Noah said with a small smile. Nadia was confused by the nickname so she looked over to her dad with a small confused face. Not understanding the meaning of it in Italian.

"In Italian it translates to shorty" Dominic explained. Nadia gasped and looked over to Noah. She had a fake glare on her face and gently pushed him.

Not enough to hurt him, she didn't want anyone going through the pain she had to go through.

Once everyone calmed down, everyone got situated for bed. Once Nadia was asleep, everyone else went to bed.

But early the next morning, would be a rollercoaster of emotions for all of them.
It's nothing and in the next chapter, but yeah, I don't know how to explain it without spoiling it


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