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I'm a little nervous about starting school again and I was worried about meeting friends, but Eli and Nico promised me I'll be ok.

Today they said we're gourmet to go to a lake or beach? me, Mom, Dad and the boys. I was excited to go to either one of them because it's been so long since I've been to one.

We had everything packed for the lake and we headed off to one. I ended up falling asleep in the car because of how long the drive was long and there weren't really many views.

But when we got to the lake, it was amazing. The boys were telling me that the little cabin that is near the huge lake our parents rent for a few days or weeks. So we're staying here for a few days.

Once we got up to the cabin, Dad drove the car around the back and we all got out. I was really excited to go swimming but I was also tired, I slept in the car for most of the drive but I was still slightly tired.

We put our bags into our rooms, and Antonio and Alexei shared. Noah and Nico shared and Eli shared with me. I'm surprised he wanted to share with me since Nico is his twin.

Once we all settled in, we quickly changed into our swimming stuff and the boys all ran down to the water, I on the other hand, slowly walked to the water.

Even though I said I was excited, I haven't been swimming since I was four and I don't know if I know how to swim or not.

That must sound pathetic to the boys if I tell them, a sixteen-year-old unable to swim. I don't want to tell them but I might have to. Mom and Dad walked out as well and walked down behind me.

I slowly walked over to the water and froze when I saw how deep it was from the dock. I would not be able to reach the bottom?! What was I thinking?

(Imagine Nadia is between 5'0 and 5'2. I know she's very small but it's for the story. The boys would be about 5'11-6'0)

Eli paddled over to me when I sat down on the dock, the water covering my feet up to my ankles. "You going to get in Stella?" Eli asked. I gently shrugged, still looking down at my feet on the water trying not to feel embarrassed.

Nico and Alexei swam over to us and before I could blink, Antonio and Noah swam over as well. Eli gently put his hands under my armpits and pulled me into the water, I knew I was safe so I let him.

Once we were fully in the water, Eli still held me. "Ok Nads, do you want to stick your head under?" Eli asked, my brothers surrounded us and made sure I was ok.

I slowly nodded before saying. "Yeah, just don't let go of me" I said my voice wavering. The boys all looked at each other before Eli dipped his head, causing my head to dip into the water.

The water was warm and my body didn't go into cold water shock as soon as I put my head under. When we resurfaced, Eli smiled at me and gently eased his hand from me.

I knew what he was doing so I started wading through the water, keeping my body afloat above the water. The boys smiled at me and we started messing around in the water, once I was more comfortable.

After a few hours, I got out first because I was getting really tired, I sat down at the dock and watched all my brothers swimming around and having fun.

I wish I wasn't taken or whatever happened when I was young, but having my brothers and actual family back in my life now, I could never be more happy.

And they're letting me go to school. My foster parents didn't want me to go to school. They started homeschooling me before they started excessively drinking and doing drugs.

Then they sent me to an actual school. Then I left because I found my actual family.

I felt someone splash me, I rubbed my eyes and looked over to see Antonio being the culprit of splashing me. I laughed at him and before I could get back at him. Mom and Dad called us inside for dinner.

When they all got out of the lake, they all started running to the back door. I laughed at how stupid they looked and followed them into the house.

We had pasta carbonara for dinner which was nice for a change, we would normally have some sort of meat, veg and potatoes, which I never minded but it was good for a change.

Once we were all finished eating, we all sat down in the sitting room and watched a movie. Since we all did a lot of things today, I got really tired, I looked over to who was beside me and saw it was Nico.

I leaned into him and he held me close to him and I felt myself fall asleep surrounded by my family.

A little shorter but I wanted to get this out asap because I was at a concert two nights ago and was recovering yesterday(I mainly slept all day yesterday) but hope it's ok!

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