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As everyone started getting ready for school Nadia got a lot of nerves in her stomach. She was worried about going to school and making friends because she was scared that people were going to bully her for anything.

Everyone piled into the car and they headed to work and school once they got to the school Nadia, Eli and Nico got out of the car and walked into school.

Nadia walked over to the reception and got her schedule and locker number, once she had everything she walked over to her locker and started sorting out her bag, Eli walked over to her and reassured her.

When the first bell went, Nadia looked at her schedule and looked around, trying to find her class, when she found her class luckily, there weren't many people in the classroom, so she wasn't late, she walked over to see near the back and sat down, trying not to make attention.

As the classroom started filling up, more people started sitting down and talking before the teacher walked in, Nadia didn't know anyone that scared her. She looks down and started fiddling with her hands out of nervousness until someone walked over and sat beside her chair.

She slowly looked up and saw a girl, her age, with a big smile on her face. She looks friendly. "Hi I am Sofia, not to sound rude or anything, but are you new here?" Sofia asked Nadia, with a big smile on her face.

Nadia felt like she could trust the girl, so she nodded and started a conversation with her, the teacher was 20 minutes late, so they started getting to know each other. And they found out that they have most of their classes together.

Eventually, when the teacher came into the class, everyone sat down and the class started. Nadia felt happy that she understood the class, even though it was only the first day.

When it came to lunch, Sofia walked with Nadia to the cafeteria and they both got lunch, Sofia brought her down to a table with a bunch of people. "Everyone I would like you to meet Nadia, she's new to the school so be nice to her. Nadia these are my friends, Alexis, Naveah, Carter, Matteo and Max" Sofia introduced everyone.

"Nice to meet you all" Nadia smiled. Once they sat down, they started a conversation and Nadia wasn't left out. Sofia made sure of it.

Across the cafeteria, Eli and Nico all sat at a table with their friends and saw Nadia interacting with people, she looked happy and comfortable. "And Noah was worried Nadia wouldn't fit in?" Eli smirked.

Nico smiled at his brother and shook his head, seeing how happy Nadia looked. They decided not to interfere and let her get on with her new friends.

"Where you from Nadia?" Carter asked, looking at the small girl. "Uh, I'm originally from here but a lot happened when I was young and I moved back here" Nadia explained, she didn't want to go into too much explanation about her past, which they accepted.

After lunch, they went to their last classes of the day. Nadia's last class was biology, so when the bell went, she walked out and saw her brothers waiting for her. "How was school?" Eli asked, before Nadia could reply, a gasp was heard from behind them.

Nadia froze and slowly turned, seeing her now friends were all staring at her and her brothers. "Uh hey Nads, we were going to ask if you wanted to meet up before school tomorrow?" Sofia asked with a small smile. I smiled back and nodded.

"These are my older brothers" she smiled, Sofia handed her a piece of paper and before she headed off she told her 'don't open that until you get into the car or home'

Once they got into the car, Nadia opened the paper and saw it was all the numbers of the friend group. Nadia smiled and took her phone out of her bag and put everyone's number into her phone. As soon as she put the numbers in, her phone started blowing up from Sofia.

When they got home, Nadia was exhausted, she was texting her friends on the way home and she was tired from school. As soon as Nadia got inside, she fell onto the couch and groaned quietly.

Dominic walked out of his study when Antonio texted him saying they were home, he walked down the stairs and saw Nadia face-first against the couch. He laughed gently and walked over to his youngest baby and sat down beside her, rubbing her back.

"How was school today?" He asked, seeing how tired his baby was. Nadia slowly sat up and curled into Dominic's side. "It was good, I met some friends and they're nice" she mumbled as her face was in Dominic's chest.

Dominic picked her up and held her close to him, making every moment count not wanting to let her go. Noelle walked into the sitting room, she was about to say dinner is ready, but she saw her husband and their baby daughter cuddling together and she left them be. Sending her husband a quick text saying dinner is ready so they can come in when they are ready.

Everyone except Nadia and Dominic sat down and dug into the food, talking about their days and how school went. Eli and Nico telling everyone how Nadia is getting on in school as well.

After everyone finished dinner, everyone put away the dishes and the boys went up to their rooms. Noelle walked into the sitting room and saw Dominic and Nadia fast asleep on the couch cuddled up together.

She smiled and placed a blanket over the couple and went to bed herself.
Who is going to be the love interest???

Carter, Matteo or Max??

Let me know!

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